Released Time:2019-05-30 星期四 23:10:10 Hits:25632
Department of Mechanical Design
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Hunan University
Changsha 410082;
2019 – present: Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Hunan University, Department of Mechanical Design
2008 – 2018: Associate Professor, Hunan University, Department of Mechanical Design
Research Fellow, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body
2009.7-2009.8: Visiting scholar, Institute of Intelligent Materials, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2007-2008: Post-doctoral research, Pierre and Marie Curie University
2006-2007: Post-doctoral research, Institute of Intelligent Materials, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2003-2006: Doctor of Acoustics, Nanjing University
2000-2003: Master of Applied Geophysics, School of Geosciences and Info-physics, Central South University
1996-2000: Bachelor of Applied Geophysics, School of Geosciences and Info-physics, Central South University
Vibration and Noise Reduction and Optimization in Automobile; Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation in Mechanical Materials; Intelligent Materials and Structures; Acoustic Topological Insulators and 3D Printing of Metamaterials
2018 CAE Analysis and Optimization of Low Floor of New Energy Heavy Truck H9 (¥120,000)
2017 The Young Scholar fund sponsored by the common university and college of the province in Hunan (¥15,000)
2016 First Prize of Natural Science of Ministry of Education of China
2014 National Science Foundation of China Grants No.11374093 (¥880,000)
2013 Program of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body (¥150,000)
2010 Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (¥36,000)
2010 National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund (¥200,000)
2008 Program of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body (¥100,000)
J.J. Chen*, H.B. Huang, S.Y. Huo, Z.H. Tan, X.P. Xie, J.C. Cheng, G.L. Huang, Self-ordering induces multiple topological transitions for in-plane bulk waves in solid phononic crystals. Phys. Rev. B, 98, 014302, 2018.
S.Y. Huo, J.J. Chen*, H.B. Huang, Topologically protected edge states for out-of-plane and in-plane bulk elastic waves, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, 145403, 2018.
J.J. Chen*, J.C. Zhang, S.Y. Huo, Multi-objective optimization of asymmetric acoustic transmission with periodical structure, Ultrasonics, 82, 252, 2018.
J.M. Zhao, S.Y. Huo, H.B. Huang, J.J. Chen*, Topological Interface States of Shear Horizontal Guided Wave in One-Dimensional Phononic Quasicrystal Slabs, physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters, 12, 1800322, 2018.
S.Y. Huo, J.J. Chen*, H.B. Huang, G. L. Huang, Simultaneous multi-band valley-protected topological edge states of shear vertical wave in two-dimensional phononic crystals with veins, Scientific Reports, 7, 10335, 2017.
J.J. Chen*, S.Y. Huo, Z.G. Geng, H.B. Huang, X.F. Zhu, Topological valley transport of plate-mode waves in a homogenous thin plate with periodic stubbed surface, Aip Advances, 7, 115215, 2017.
S.Y. Huo, J.J. Chen*, G.H. Song, X. Han, Asymmetric Propagation of the first order antisymmetric lamb wave in a tapered plate based on time domain analysis, Acoustical Physics, 63, 393, 2017.
J.J. Chen*, S.Y. Huo, Investigation of dual acoustic and optical asymmetric propagation in
two-dimensional phoxonic crystals with grating, Optical Materials Express, 7, 288021, 2017.
H.B. Huang, J.J. Chen*, S.Y. Huo, Simultaneous topological Bragg and locally resonant edge modes of shear horizontal guided wave in one-dimensional structure, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 275102, 2017.
C.J. Zhou, Y. Sai, J.J. Chen*, Tunable Lamb wave band gaps in two-dimensional magnetoelastic phononic crystal slabs by an applied external magnetostatic field, Ultrasonics, 71, 69, 2016.
Professional Activities
Communication evaluation expert, National Natural Science Foundation of China and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation; Chairman, The "Wave issue" Branch of Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications in 2012 and 2013; Peer reviewer, Applied Physics Letter