Released Time:2018-03-22 星期四 18:05:08 Hits:18208
College of Vehicle & Transport Engineering, Hunan University
Changsha, Hunan Province, China
2013 – present: Professor, Hunan University, College of Vehicle & Transport Engineering
1999 – 2012: Engineer, Institute of Aeronautic Engine Control, Wuxi/Nanjing Institute of Huawei Cooperation.
1999: PhD Mechanics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nonlinear Dynamics and Control
1996: Master of Science, Hunan University, Solid Mechanics
1993: Bachelor, Hunan University, Engineering Mechanics
Non-smooth Dynamic System; Bifurcations of Nonlinear Dynamics; Impact and damage of Composite Materials
2014 National Science Foundation Grant #11372101: “Research on Global Dynamics of Nonsmooth Quasi-Hamiltonian Systems”
2012 Outstanding Youth Project of National Science Foundation #11225212:”Nonlinear Theory, Control and Applications of Non-smooth System” (3rd Participant)
2005 National Science Foundation Grant #10402011: “Research on Bifurcations and Control of Multidimensional Piecewise-Smooth Dynamic System”
2004 Progress Award of Science and Technology, Hunan Provice#2004120005-3-05: “ Study on mechanical properties of new material structures and complex nonlinear systems”
2003 Award of Technological Achievements, Chinese Ministry of Education#360-03-20320528-30: “Nonlinear dynamics of large rotating machinery”
1.Sijin Zhang, Jinye Wang and Guilin Wen, Subharmonic orbit analysis of a 2-DOF vibration quasi-Hamilton system, Journal of Vibration and Shock (in Chinese), 2018, 37(2):102-107.
2.Weixia Du, Sijin Zhang and San Yin, An Intermittent chaos control method for a class of symmetric collision systems, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (in Chinese), 2018, 39(10):1149-1158.
3.Sijin Zhang, Weixia Du and San Yin, Anti-control of double Hopf’s bifurcation in vibrating screen system, Journal of Hunan University (Natural Science), 2017, 44(10): 55-61.
4.Sijin Zhang, Guilin Wen, et al., The Melnikov method for local subharmonic orbits of quasi-Hamilton system, Journal of Vibration Engineering (in Chinese), 2016, 29(2): 214-219.
5.S. Zhang, D. Ji, G. Wen, H. Xu, Analysis of Global Subharmonic Orbits of a Vibro-Impact Quasi-Hamiltonian System with the Melnikov's Method, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2015, 22(1): 69-84.
6.Wen, GL, Xu HD, Lu ZY, Zhang SJ, et al., Anti-controlling Hopf bifurcation in a type of centrifugal governor system, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2015, 81(1): 811-822.
7.Sijin Zhang, Leilei Yin, Guilin Wen, Analysis of Global Bifurcation and Multi-solution Coexistence of a Class of Quasi-Hamilton Impact Systems, Journal of Hunan University (Natural Science), 2014, 41(10): 55-61.
8.Leilei Yin, Sijin Zhang, et al., Analysis of Bifurcation and Multi-solution Coexistence of Binary Wing System with Clearance Constraints, Journal of Aeronautical Power (in Chinese), 2014, 29(6): 1410-1416.
9.Zhang S.-J., Wen G.-L., et al. Analysis to limit cycle oscillations of a typical airfoil section with freeplay. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2013, 29(4): 583-592.
10.Sijin Zhang, Guilin Wen, Microcrack evolution of composite laminates under low-speed impact and its effect on elastic modulus, Journal of Vibration and Shock (in Chinese), 2012, 31 (1): 167-172.
11.Sijin Zhang, Guilin Wen, Interlayer cracking evolution model of composite laminates under impact, Acta Mechanica Sinica (in Chinese), 2011, 43(2): 100-112.
More than twenty other papers are omitted here.
Sijin Zhang , Non-smooth dynamics in mechanical collisional motion, Press of Hunan University, 2008.