
Released Time:2018-03-23 星期五 17:48:59 Hits:32470

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College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering

Hunan University

No.2 Lushan Road(S), Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan, 410082





1996-present: Lecturer/Associate Professor/ Professor, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University

2008-2008: Visiting Scholar, University of Sydney, Australia

2004-2005: Visiting Scholar, Concordia University, Canada



Director, Department of Laboratory Construction and Equipment Management, Hunan University

Director, National Mechanical Engineering Teaching Demonstration Center, Hunan University

Deputy Director, Technical Professional Committee of Composites in Vehicle Engineering, China Composite Materials Association

Member, Teaching Steering Committee of Mechanical Engineering in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education

Member, Expert Committee of Engineering Education Accreditation Committee of China Mechanical Engineering Society

Executive Member, China Machinery Industry Outstanding Engineer Education Alliance

Executive Member and Deputy Director of Academic Committee, Hunan Mechanical Engineering Association

Executive Member, Hunan Automobile Industry Association



2006: PhD in Engineering, Hunan University

1996: Master in Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University

1993: Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University


Research Areas

Vehicle body lightweight technology; Composite forming and related equipment technology; Forming technology and Die/mold technology of new materials for car body



2018   Research on void defect evolution mechanism of CFRP manufactured by HP-CRTM process and its ultrasonic controlling method, National Natural Science Foundation of China

2014   Demonstration project of hybrid forming production line for servo and mechanical press of carbody parts, National Science and Technology Major Project

2013   The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress, The State Council

2011   Research on curved surface tool path generation theory based on finite element compensation model, National Natural Science Foundation of China

2009   The 7th Hunan Youth Science and Technology Award, The Organization Department of Hunan Provincial Party Committee, Hunan Personnel Department, 2009.

2010   Laser manufacturing equipment and technology of mold for manufacturing automotive carbody, National Science and Technology Support Program

2006   China Patent Excellence Award, National Patent Office

2006   The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Achievements in Hunan Province, Education Department of Hunan Province

2004   The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education

2003   The 6th China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Excellence Award, The Communist Youth League Central, China Youth League

2003   Top Ten of ChangSha Technology Innovation Youth, ChangSha Municipal People's Government of Hunan Province

2002   The First Prize of National Science and Technology Progress, The State Council

2001   Excellent Achievement Award of Chinese Machinery Industry, China Mechanical Engineering Society, China Machinery Industry Association

2001   The First Prize of Hunan Science and Technology Progress, The People's Government of Hunan Province



Wei K, Liang D, Mei M, Wang D, Yang X, Qu Z. Preforming behaviors of carbon fiber fabrics with different contents of binder and under various process parameters. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 166: 221-232.

Chen Y, Yang X, Li M, Wei K, Li S. Mechanical behavior and progressive failure analysis of riveted, bonded and hybrid joints with CFRP-aluminum dissimilar materials. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 139: 271-280.

Wei K, Liang D, Mei M, Yang X, Chen L. A viscoelastic model of compression and relaxation behaviors in preforming process for carbon fiber fabrics with binder. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 158: 1-9.

Li M, Li S, Gan G, Zhang Y, Liang Z, Yang X. Experimental study on hole quality and tensile progressive failure following fiber laser cutting of multidirectional carbon fiber reinforced plastic laminates. Journal of Laser Applications, 2019, 31: 012004.

Mo F, Zhang H, Yang X, Duan S, Xiao Z. Coupling investigation on tensile and acoustic absorption properties of lightweight porous LGF/PP composite. Polymer Composites. 2019, 40(4): 1315-1321. 

Wei K, Peng Y, Wang K, Duan S, Yang X, Wen W. Three dimensional lightweight lattice structures with large positive, zero and negative thermal expansion. Composite Structures, 2018, 188: 287-296. 

Li M, Li S, Yang X, Zhang Y, Liang Z. Study on fibre laser machining quality of plain woven CFRP laminates. Applied Physics A, 2018, 124(3): 270.

Wei K, Wang K, Cheng X, Peng Y, Li M, Yang X. Structural and thermal analysis of integrated thermal protection systems with C/SiC composite cellular core sandwich panels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 131: 209-220.

Wei K, Wang Y, Yang X. Viscoelastic Modeling of Responses in the Whole Compaction Process for Woven Fiber Reinforcements. International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2018, 10(2): 1850019. 

Li M, Huang M, Jiang X, Kuo CL, Yang X. Study on burr occurrence and surface integrity during slot milling of multidirectional and plain woven CFRPs. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2018, 97(1-4): 163-173. 

Li M, Huang M, Yang X, Li S, Wei K. Experimental study on hole quality and its impact on tensile behavior following pure and abrasive waterjet cutting of plain woven CFRP laminates. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2018, 99(9-12): 2481-2490.

Li M, Li S, Yang X, Zhang Y, Liang Z. Fiber laser cutting of CFRP laminates with single- and multi-pass strategy: A feasibility study. Optics & Laser Technology. 2018, 107: 443-453. 

Wei K, Chen Y, Li M, Yang X. Strength and failure mechanism of composite-steel adhesive bond single lap joints. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 5810180.

Duan S, Yang X, Tao Y, Mo F, Xiao Z, Wei K. Experimental and numerical investigation of long glass giber reinforced rolypropylene composite and application in automobile components. Transport. 2018, 33(5): 1135-1143.

Yang X, Wang Y, Mo F, Wei K, Duan S. Characterization of nesting effects on compression processes for plain woven fabrics in composites manufacturing. Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 2017, 36: 1503-1513. 

Yang X, Zheng J, Long S. Topology optimization of continuum structures with displacement constraints based on meshless method. International Journal of Mechanics & Materials in Design, 2017, 13(2): 311-320. 

Tao Y, Duan S, Yang X. Reliability modeling and optimization of die-casting existing epistemic uncertainty. International Journal on Interactive Design & Manufacturing, 2016, 10(1): 51-57.

Duan S, Mo F, Yang X, et al. Experimental and numerical investigations of strain rate effects on mechanical properties of LGFRP composite. Composites Part B Engineering, 2016, 88:101-107. 

Duan S, Yang X, Tao R. study on strain-rate-dependent behavior and failure modes of long glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene composite. Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 2015, 34(15): 1261-1270.

Zheng J, Yang X, Long S. Topology optimization with geometrically non-linear based on the element free Galerkin method. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2015, 11(3): 231-241.

Zhou Y, Chen Z C, Yang X. An accurate, efficient envelope approach to modeling the geometric deviation of the machined surface for a specific five-axis CNC machine tool. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2015, 95: 67-77.

Hou S, Zhang Z, Yang X, Yin H, Li Q. Crashworthiness optimization of new thin-walled cellular configurations. Engineering Computations, 2014, 31(5): 879-897.

Duan S, Yang X, Tao Y, Hu Z, Chen Y. Hybrid reliability analysis for energy-absorbing composite structures based on evidence theory. Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 2014, 33(22): 2095-2105.

Duan S, Tao Y, Han X, Yang X, Hou S, Hu, Zhang P. Investigation on structure optimization of crashworthiness of fiber reinforced polymers materials. Composites Part B Engineering, 2014, 60(2): 471-478.

Hou S, Han X, Sun G, Long S, Li W, Yang X, Set al. Multi-objective optimization for tapered circular tubes. Thin-Walled Structures, 2011, 49(7): 855-863.

Li Z, Yang X. A New Mesh Variables Mapping Method for Vehicle Crash Simulation with Considering Sheet Forming Effects. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 338: 245-250. 

Tanli M Q, Zhang Q, Yang X. Digital Test Instrument of Radial Direction Displacement Precise for Round Shape Part Based on Labview. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 328-330: 163-166. 

Sun G, Li G, Zhou S, Xu W, Yang X, Li Q. Multi-fidelity optimization for sheet metal forming process. Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2011, 44(1): 111-124.

Hou S, Han X, Sun G, Yang X, Li Q. Multi-objective optimization for tapered circular tubes[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2011, 49(7): 855-863.

Zhou Y S, Yang X, Chen Z Z C. Vector Calculation for Tool Envelope Surface in Five-Axis NC Machining. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 314-316: 1242-1245. 

Sun G, Li G, Gong Z, Gui X, Yang X, Li Q. Multi-objective robust optimization method for drawbead design in sheet metal forming. Materials & Design, 2010, 31(4): 1917-1929.

Yang X, Sun G Y, Li Q. A New NURBS Tool Path Generation Algorithm for Precise Sculptured Surface Machining. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 97-101: 2477-2480.