
Released Time:2018-03-22 星期四 23:39:50 Hits:36613

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College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering

National Engineering Research Center for High Efficiency Grinding

Hunan University

No.13, Lushan Road(S), Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan 410082






2008.1- To present: Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering.

2006.4-2008.1: Associate Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering.

2001.9-2006.1: Ph.D. candidate, Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.

1999.4-2001.8: Senior Engineer, China National South Aeroengine Co. Ltd., China.

1998.7-1999.4: Engineer, Kokoku Seiko Co. Ltd., Japan.

1991.7-1998.6: Engineer, China National South Aeroengine Co. Ltd., China.



Member, National Technical Committee on Metal Cutting Machine Tools of Standardizaion Adminisration of China (SAC/TC22).

 Member, National Technical Committee on Non-traditional Machine Tools of Standardizaion Adminisration of China (SAC/TC161).



2001.9-2005.12: Ph.D., Faculty of Production Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska), Poland

1987.9-1991.6: B.E., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China


Research Areas

Precision machining, Non-traditional machining, Advanced manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing,Ceramic materials,Industrial engineering




National Natural Science Foundation Grant #51575174: “Study on Low-temperature Fabrication Method of Ultrafine Diamond Grinding Wheel by Metal Nanoparticle Bond”( $770.000)


National Natural Science Foundation Grant #51275165: “Fundamental Research on Precision Thermal Molding Press of Micro Optical Glass Components with Assistance of Ultrasonic Vibration”( $800.000)


1st Prize in Science and Technology, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society



Mechanism Study on Micro-formability of Optical Glass in Ultrasonic-assisted Molding Process[J], International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 2019, 10: 103–114. (SCI-2)

 Reconstruction of High-speed Cam Curve Based on High-order Differential Interpolation and Shape Adjustmen[J], Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 356: 272-281.  (SCI-1)

Analysis and Experimental Study on the Influence of Bus-bar on the Temperature and Current Equalization of Battery Moule [J], Automotive Engineering, 2019, 41(2): 140-146. (EI)

A comprehensive study on frictional dependence and predictive accuracy of viscoelastic model for optical glass using compression creep test[J], Accepted, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019.  (SCI-2)

Effects of Cu particle size on CuSnFeNi/diamond composite processed using hybrid microwave sintering[J], Accepted, Powder Metallurgy,2019.  (SCI-4)

Effects of high diamond volume fraction CuSnFeNi/diamond composite in in grinding[J], Accepted, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019.  (SCI-3)

Experimental Investigation on Precision Electrical Discharge Dressing of Small-diameter Bronze-bonded Fine Grain Grinding Wheel[J], Accepted, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2019. (EI)

Influencing Factors Analysis and Experimental Study of Battery Performances in Hybrid Electric Vehicle [J], Accepted, Journal of Jinlin University, Engineering and Technology Edition, 2019, (EI)

Effect of Trace Sr and Sc Contents and Ultrasonic Vibration on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the A380 Alloy[J], Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2018, 10(5):1-9. ( SCI-4)

Effect and Function Mechanism of trace Sr+Sc and Ultrasonic Vibration on Microstructures of A380 Alloy[J], Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(19):112-117. (EI)

Thermoelectric Coupling Calculation of Bus-bars and Experimental Research in Battery Module[J],  Journal of Hunan University, Natural Science Edition, 2018, 45(10): 1-8. (EI)

Effect of minor Sr under ultrasonic vibration on microstructures and mechanical properties of A380 Alloy[J], Journal of Jiangsu University, Natural Science Edition, 2018, 39(2):211-216.

Prediction model of surface roughness of 8418 steel by EDM based on SVM [J], China Mechanical Engineering, 2018,37(1):1-6. (EI)

High temperature modal analysis and experimental study of the ultrasonic horn for glass vibration molding[J], Technical Acoustics, 2018, 37(1):51-56.

Study on the influence of electrode materials on the surface integrity of 8418 steel in EDM process[J], Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering, 2018, 37(1): 76-80.

Numerical simulation on glass molding press of micro grooves[J], Ordnance Material Science and Engineering, 2017, 40(1):14-18.

Research on Micro Chip Formation Process of 20CrMo by Single CBN Grain Grinding[J], Materials Review, 2017, 31(5):146-150.  (EI)

Convex Lug Behavior of Zirlo Alloy Sheet during Cylinder Drawing[J],Nonferrous Metals Engineering, 2017,7(4):22-26.

Energy distribution and surface roughness model in EDM of 8418 steel[J], Materials Review, 2017, 31(7):153-157. (EI)

Experimental research and analysis on CBN wear process based on single abrasive grinding[J], Ordnance Material Science and Engineering, 2017, 40(3):16-20.

Finite Element Analysis on Stress of Micro V-groove Components in GMP[J], Journal of Hunan University, Natural Science Edition, 2017, 44(8): 8-14. (EI)

The Design and Stability Analysis of Cable Inspection Robot’s Climbing Device[J], Machine Design and Research, 2017, 33(4):45-49.

Development of an electromagnetic double row of chain equipment for recycling and cleaning of plates[J], Food and Machine, 2017, 33(3):88-92.

Effect of minor Sc under ultrasonic vibration technology on microstructures and mechanical properties of A380 alloy[J], Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) ,2017, 48(10):2665-2671. ( EI)

Research on the Overloading Capacity of Bus-bars in Battery Module and the Influence of Current Balance[J], China Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 28(20): 2426-2433. (EI)

Effect of Sc and high-strength ultrasonic vibration on A 380 alloy and its mechanism[J], Ordnance Material Science and Engineering, 2017, 40(5): 35-40.

Copper-tungsten Electrode Wear Process and Carbon Layer Characterisation in EDM[J], International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 85:1759-1768. (SCI-3)

Study on Prediction Model of Technological Indexes in EDM of 8418 Steel[J], Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2016, 42(10):43-47. (EI)

Development of Defects Detection System for Ultrafine Cemented Carbide Rod Based on Eddy-Current Sensor[J], Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators, 2016, 34(7):1016-1018.  (EI)