
Released Time:2018-03-22 星期四 15:11:22 Hits:24923

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College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering

Hunan University Changsha, 410082




2015.1 – Present: Assistant Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Department of Engineering Mechanics

2015.7-2017.6: Research Fellow, Nanyang technological university, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering



2014.12: PhD Solid Mechanics, Hunan University

2009.6: BD Engineering Mechanics, Hunan University


Research Areas

Micromechanics, Fracture mechanics and their application




Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, (RMB 250,000)



Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China#2018JJ3026, (RMB 50,000)



National Natural Science Foundation of China #11602080, (RMB 220,000)




  1. Hui FENG, YC LAM, Kun ZHOU, SB KUMAR, Wen-Jing WU. Elastic-plastic behavior analysis of an arbitrarily oriented crack near an elliptical inhomogeneity with generalized Irwin correction. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids. 2018, 67, 177-186.

  2. Hui FENG, Qi-Hong FANG, Yong LIU, You-Wen LIU, Pi-Hua WEN. Nucleation and growth mechanisms of nanoscale deformation twins in hexagonal-close-packed metal magnesium. Mechanics of Materials. 2017, 109, 26-33.

  3. Hui FENG, Kun ZHOU, YC LAM, Qi-Hong FANG, SB KUMAR, Wen-Jing WU. Initiation and growth of microcracks near a grain boundary precipitation in coarse-grained zones of welded materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2016, 102-103, 155-162.

  4. Zhi-Peng WANG, Hui FENG, Feng LIU, Qi-Hong FANG, You-Wen LIU, Pi-Hua WEN. Effect of wedge disclination dipole on dislocation emission from a surface crack tip in nanocrystalline materials. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2016, 81, 25-31.

  5. Zhi-Peng PI, Qi-Hong FANG, Bin LIU, Hui FENG, Yong LIU, You-Wen LIU, Pi-Hua WEN. A phase field study focuses on the transverse propagation of deformation twinning for hexagonal-closed packed crystals. International Journal of Plasticity. 2016, 76, 130-146.

  6. Hui FENG, Qi-Hong FANG, You-Wen LIU, Chang-Ping CHEN. Nanoscale rotational deformation effect on dislocation emission from an elliptically blunted crack tip in nanocrystalline materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2014, 51, 352-358.

  7. Min YU, Qi-Hong FANG, Hui FENG, You-Wen LIU. Effect of cooperative grain boundary sliding and migration on dislocation emitting from a semi-elliptical blunt crack tip in nanocrystalline solids. Acta Mechanica. 2014, 225, 2205-2019.

  8. Hui FENG, Qi-Hong FANG, Liang-Chi ZHANG, You-Wen LIU. Special rotational deformation and grain size effect on fracture toughness of nanocrystalline materials. International Journal of Plasticity. 2013, 42, 50-64.

  9. Hui FENG, Qi-Hong FANG, Liang-Chi ZHANG, You-Wen LIU. Effect of cooperative grain boundary sliding and migration on emission of dislocations from a crack tip in nanocrystalline materials. Mechanics of Materials. 2013, 61, 39-48.

  10. Qi-Hong FANG, Hui FENG, You-Wen LIU. Electroelastic interaction between a piezoelectric screw dislocation and a circular layered inclusion with imperfect interfaces. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2013, 34, 45-62.

