
Released Time:2018-03-20 星期二 22:29:40 Hits:39550

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Department of Automotive Engineering
Hunan University, Changsha, China


2007 – 2018: Assistant Professor, Hunan University, Department of Automotive Engineering
2019 – present: Associate Professor, Hunan University, Department of Automotive Engineering


2007: Ph.D Automotive Engineering, Hunan University
2000: B.E. Automotive Engineering, Hunan University

Research Areas

Vehicle lightweight design, Optimization algorithm research, Autonomous vehicle humanlike path planning


2015 National Natural Science Foundation Grant #51505138: “Experimental and optimization studies on crashworthiness of a fence style secondary energy absorb composite material structure” (RMB250,000)


“Hybrid meta-model-based design space exploration method for expensive problems” (with  Jichao Gu) Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018(DOI: 10.1007/s00158-018-2109-x)

 “Quasi-static axial crushing experiment study of foam-filled CFRP and aluminum alloy thin-walled structures. Composite Structures” (with Yanan Feng, Hanfeng Yin, Guilin Wen, Duohua Wang and Xinyi Huang) Composite Structures, 157(2016):303-319

“Multi-objective robust optimization of foam-filled bionic thin-walled structures” (with HanfengYin,YouyeXiao,GuilinWen,NianfeiGan,CanChen and JinleDa) Thin-Walled Structures, 109 (2016): 332-343

“A delay-derivative-dependent approach to robust H∝filter design for uncertain systems with time-varying distributed delays” (with Jiyao An, Guilin Wen and Renfa Li.i) Journal of the Franklin Institute, 348(2011):179-200

 “3D adaptive RKPM method for contact problems with elastic–plastic dynamic large deformation”(with Li Guangyao and Long Shuyao) Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 33(2009):1211-1222