Released Time:2021-04-07 星期三 13:39:01 Hits:33778
Department of Mechanical Engineering Hunan University
Lushan south road #2, Changsha, Hunan,
2017 – present: Assistant Professor, Hunan University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
2011: PHD in Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University
2007: B.S. in Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University
Uncertain numerical analysis and optimization of structure and structural-acoustic system
Topology optimization and microstructural topology optimization
Machine vision and deep learning
Chen N, Xia S, Yu D, et al. Hybrid interval and random analysis for structural-acoustic systems including periodical composites and multi-scale bounded hybrid uncertain parameters [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 115: 524-544. (Corresponding author)
Chen N, Hu Y, Yu D, et al. A polynomial expansion approach for response analysis of periodical composite structural–acoustic problems with multi-scale mixed aleatory and epistemic uncertainties [J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018, 342: 509-531. (Corresponding author)
Zhu W, Chen N, Liu J, et al. The effective elastic properties analysis of periodic microstructure with hybrid uncertain parameters [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 148: 39-49. (Corresponding author)
Yin S, Chen N, Yu D, et al. Microstructural topology optimization for minimizing the sound pressure level of structural–acoustic coupled systems with multi-scale random parameters [J]. Engineering Optimization, 2018: 1-22. (Corresponding author)
Chen N, Yin S, Yu D, Liu, Z, Xia, B. An efficient epistemic uncertainty analysis method for structural-acoustic problem based on evidence theory [J]. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2018, 66(2): 117-130.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Liu, J, Ma Z. Homogenization-based interval analysis for structural-acoustic problem involving periodical composites and multi-scale uncertain-but-bounded parameters [J]. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 141(4): 2768-2778.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Liu J, Ma Z. Microstructural topology optimization of structural-acoustic coupled systems for minimizing sound pressure level [J]. Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017(2):1-12.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Liu, J, Ma Z. Interval and subinterval homogenization-based method for determining the effective elastic properties of periodic microstructure with interval parameters[J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 106: 174-182.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Beer M. Hybrid Uncertain Analysis for Exterior Acoustic Field Prediction with Interval Random Parameters [J]. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2017, 15(2):1850006.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Liu, J, Ma Z. Topology optimization of structures with interval random parameters[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016, 307: 300-315.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B. Unified analysis approach for the energy flow in coupled vibrating systems with two types of hybrid uncertain parameters [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 70: 542-556.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Beer, M. Uncertainty analysis of a structural–acoustic problem using imprecise probabilities based on p-box representations [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 80: 45-57.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B. Evidence-theory-based analysis for the prediction of exterior acoustic field with epistemic uncertainties[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 50: 402-411.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B. Hybrid uncertain analysis for the prediction of exterior acoustic field with interval and random parameters[J]. Computers & Structures, 2014, 141: 9-18.
Chen N, Yu D, Xia B, Lü H. Numerical Computation of 2D Acoustic Field with Fuzzy-Random Parameters, Acta Acustica, 2015, 1: 63-70
Ning Chen, Dejie Yu, Baizhan Xia. Analysis of Plate Structural-acoustic Coupling Systems Based on Finite Element-Least Square Point Interpolation and Finite Element Method, Journal of Vibration Engineering(In Chinese). 27(2) (2014) 304–310
Ning Chen, Dejie Yu, Hui Lü, Baizhan Xia. Numerical analysis of 2D acoustic field with fuzzy parameters based on finite element method, Engineering Mechanicals (In Chinese) 2014(12), 200-207.
Ning Chen, Dejie Yu, Hui Lü, Baizhan Xia. A Coupled Finite Element-Least Square Point Interpolation Method for the Analysis of Plate Structural-acoustic Coupling Systems, Journal of Vibration and Shock (In Chinese), 2014(15), 131-137.