
Released Time:2018-03-22 星期四 13:32:40 Hits:34924

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College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Hunan University
Lushan Road (S), Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province


2008-present: Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
1997-2008: Associate Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
1989-1997: Lecturer, Hunan University, Department of Mechanical


State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacture for Vehicle Body, Hunan University


2013: PhD Control Science and Engineering, Hunan University
1989: MPhil Mechanics, Hunan University
1986: AB Mechanics, Hunan University

Research Areas

Computer Control of Complex system, Automotive Electronics and Control, Electromechanical Control


Awards and Grants
2016 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grant #51575167: "Research on the Synchronization Mechanism and Control Strategy of Electric Vehicle Brake by Wire System " (¥742000)
2016 National Key Research and Development Plan for New Energy Vehicles Grant #2016YFB0100903: "Path Planning and Autonomous Decision Making Method for Intelligent Electric Vehicle"(¥5000000)
2014 Hunan Province 2011 Plan Green Vehicle Collaborative Innovation Center Open Fund Project: "Research on the Safety Control Technology of Pure Electric Vehicle"(¥200000)
2012 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grant #51175158: "Pattern recognition method based on variable prediction model and its application in mechanical fault diagnosis"(¥600000)
2011 Transverse research project: "Research on the Principle of Intelligent Control System for Cylinder Dryer "(¥1800000)
2007 Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province Grant #07JJ3126: " Modeling and Optimization Control of the Complex Industrial Process Based on NMPC " (¥100000)
2007 Enterprise entrusted project: " Design of Hydraulic Brake Retarder Control System"(¥150000)



“Research on Brake-force Distribution Strategies for Brake-by-wire System Based on Slip Ratio.” China Mechanical Engineering, 2016,27(17):2407-2412.

“Synchronized Control of Multi-motor Based on the Improved Relative Coupling Control.” Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 2013,40(11): 77-83.

“Based on Relative Coupling Backstepping Adaptive Sliding Mode Synchronization Control.” Small & Special Electrical Machines, 2012,40(5): 58-61.

“Calculation of RBF Neural Network Based Optimal Slip Ratio.” Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2011,47(14): 108-113.

“Study and Simulation of Brake Force Distribution Method for Brake-by-wire System.” Computer Simulation, 2011,28(10): 324-327.

“Study of the Sliding Mode Control of Electromechanical Brake Systems.” Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 2010,37(8): 35-39.

 “Estimation Using Local Polynomial Fitting.” 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, Taiyuan, P.R. China, 2010.10.22-10.24.

“Two hybrid parameter optimization algorithms for RBF neural networks.” Control and Decision, 2009,24(8): 1172-1176.

“A Research on the Reliability Analysis and Fault-tolerant Technology of Vehicle BBW System.” Automotive Engineering, 2009,31(7): 624-628.

“An Analysis on Vehicle Brake-by-wire System and its Key Technologies.” Automotive Engineering, 2007,29(10): 880-883.
