Released Time:2018-03-23 星期五 15:30:35 Hits:27824
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Hunan University
306, Building of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body
2015 – present: the director of academic council , Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering,
2009 – present: Director , Centre for Marine Technology, Hunan University,
2005 – 2008: Distinguished Professor, Hunan University
2005 – 2008: Distinguished Professor, Dalian University of Technology
1999 – 2009: Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
1996 – 1999: Senior Scientist and Research Manager, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore
1987 – 1992: lecturer, Dalian University of Technology
He also is the panel member of several expert committees in China, including the National Natural Science Foundation, State Key Laboratories and other professional bodies.
1996: PhD, Mechanics, London University
1987: MA, Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology
1982: AB, Mechanics, Qinghai University
Nonlinear dynamics, Computational mechanics, Ocean engineering, Vibration of mechanical system and vibration control
2003 | Best Paper Prize in IEEE conference in the UK |
Xia S, Xu D, Zhang H, et al. Multivariable oscillation control of a modularized floating airport with disturbance of uncertain waves[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 439: 310-328.
Xu D, Xia S, Zhang H, et al. Adaptive optimal control of multi-modular floating platforms in random seas[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 91(2): 863-876.
Shi Q, Xu D, Zhang H, et al. Optimized stiffness combination of a flexible-base hinged connector for very large floating structures[J]. Marine Structures, 2018, 60: 151-164.
Xu D, Xia S, Zhang H, et al. Adaptive optimal control of multi-modular floating platforms in random seas[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 91(2): 863-876.
Shi Q, Zhang H, Xu D, et al. Experimental validation of network modeling method on a three-modular floating platform model[J]. Coastal Engineering, 2018, 137: 92-102.
Zhang H, Xu D, Zhao H, et al. Energy extraction of wave energy converters embedded in a very large modularized floating platform[J]. Energy, 2018, 158: 317-329.
Zhang H, Xu D, Wu Y. Predicting catastrophes of non-autonomous networks with visibility graphs and horizontal visibility[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 104: 494-502.
Zhang H, Xu D, Xia S, et al. Nonlinear dynamics of a non-autonomous network with coupled discrete–continuum oscillators[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 94(2): 889-904.
Zhang H, Xu D, Lu C, et al. Connection effect on amplitude death stability of multi-module floating airport[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 129: 46-56.
Xia S, Xu D, Zhang H, et al. On retaining a multi-module floating structure in an amplitude death state[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 121: 134-142.
Zhang H, Xu D, Liu C, et al. Wave energy absorption of a wave farm with an array of buoys and flexible runway[J]. Energy, 2016, 109: 211-223.
Zhang H, Xu D, Lu C, et al. Network dynamic stability of floating airport based on amplitude death[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 104: 129-139.
Zhang H, Xu D, Xia S, et al. Nonlinear network modeling of multi-module floating structures with arbitrary flexible connections[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2015, 59: 270-284.
Zhang H, Xu D, Lu C, et al. Amplitude death of a multi-module floating airport[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(4): 2385-2394.
Xu D, Zhang H, Lu C, et al. Analytical criterion for amplitude death in nonautonomous systems with piecewise nonlinear coupling[J]. Physical Review E, 2014, 89(4): 042906.