
Released Time:2018-03-23 星期五 17:53:18 Hits:47629

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Contact Info

College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering W524
Hunan University
shyin2000@126.com, yinshaohui@hnu.edu.cn


2006 – present: Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, 
Vice-director, National Engineering Research Center for High Efficiency Grinding
Vice-director, Academic Board,College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Director,  Department of Mechanical Manufacturing
Director,International S&T Innovation Cooperation Base of Advanced compound Manufacturing in Hunan Province
Director,   Micro Nano Manufacturing LAB
2002 – 2006: Researcher Scientist, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), JAPAN


2002: PhD Engineering, Utsunomiya University, JAPAN
1990: MPhil Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CHINA
1987: AB Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, CHINA

Research Areas

Ultra-precision Machining , Nano Manufacturing, Optical Manufacturing, IC Manufacturing 


2018 Second prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award
2017 Seventh Shangyin Excellent Mechanical Doctoral Thesis Award
2016 Chinese Overseas Chinese Contribution Award
2016 Yuelu Scholar
2011 First prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award
2008 Ministry of Education Support Program for Outstanding Talents in the New Century
1.National Key R & D Program, Key Technical Cooperation Research on High Precision Micro-structured Glass Lens Array Molding, Grant No. 2017yfe0116900 . 2019-2022
2.National (04) KEY Project for high-level CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, R&D for Ultra-precision CNC composite machine tool for small aperture aspheric optical lens mold, Grant No 2010zx04001x151, 2010-2014
3.National 863 program, Ultra-precision machining technology for micro aspherical surface,   Grant No.2006aa04z335 .2007-2010
4.National Natural Science Foundation of China, The 12th China-Japan international conference on ultra-precision machining, Grant No 516425092, 2016
5.State key S&T support program, R&D on ultra-precision grinding equipment and process for vehicle optical lens and mold, Grant No 2007 baf29b03,  2008 -2010, 
6. National Natural Science Foundation of China, High Efficiency Magnetorheological Chemistry Polishing for Sapphire Wafers Excited by Large Area Uniform Magnetic Field, Grant No. 5167 5171,  2017 -2020
7.National key project for international cooperation in science and technology, Research on key technical cooperation in high-efficiency and high-precision grinding and polishing for sapphire wafers, Grant No. 2014 dfg72480, 2014 - 2017
8. National Natural Science Foundation of China,Mechanism and experimental research on nano-polishing of micro aspheric surface with magnetic composite fluid, Grant No 50975804,2010 -2012
9.National Natural Science Foundation of China, Study on manufacturing process for composite micro-grinding wheel with uniform distribution of magnetic abrasives, Grant No. 51175167, 2012 - 2015,.
10.National Natural Science Foundation of China, Theoretical and experimental research on electrodeless ELID grinding technology for micro lens and die. Grant No 5067 5064, 2007 -2009
11.Sino-Australian Cooperative Fund Project of NSFC, Research on Nano-fabrication technology for micro-optical components, Grant No. 50811120105, 2008 - 2009,
12.National (04) KEY Project for high-level CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, Innovation platform for high-efficiency grinding, Grant No. 2010 ZX04016-041, 2011 -2013
13.Ministry of Education New Century Outstanding Talents Support Program, Research on Key Technologies for Micro Aspheric Nanofabrication,  2009 - 2011
14.Key projects of National Science and Technology Support Plan, R&D on manufacturing technology for metal-based grinding wheel,  Grant No: 2006AA04Z335, 2007- 2010
15.National (04) KEY Project for high-level CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, Development on high-speed and high-efficiency precision grinding wheel,    Grant No:: 2010 ZX041012-072-3; 2010-2012




(1)Luo H, Lu Y, Yin S, et al. Robust platform for water harvesting and directional transport[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(14):5635-5643.
(2)Luo H, Guo M, Yin S, et al. An atomic-scale and high efficiency finishing method of zirconia ceramics by using magnetorheological finishing[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2018,444:569-577.
(3)Shuai Huang, Shaohui Yin, Fengjun Chen, Qingchun Tang, Jinlong Song. Directional transport of droplets on wettability patterns at high temperature, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 428: 432~438.
(4)Qingchun Tang, Shao-Hui Yin, Yi Zhang, Jiazhu Wu. A Tool Vector Control for Laser Additive Manufacturing in Five-Axis Configuration, Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2018,98:1671–1684 .
(5)Qingchun Tang, Shao-Hui Yin, Fengjun Chen, Shuai Huang, Hu Luo, Junxiao Geng,  Development of a postprocessor for head tilting-head rotation type five-axis machine tool with double limit rotation axis, Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2018, 97:3523–3534 .
(6)Geng Junxiao, Yin Shaohui, Huang Shuai , Tang Qingchun, Luo Hu, Chen Fengjun. Flexible cold plasma jet with controllable length and temperature for hydrophilic modification[J]. Physics of Plasmas. 2018, 25(8): 83508.
(7)Qingchun Tang, Shao-Hui Yin, Jun-Xiao Geng, Hu Luo, Yue-Ping Chen. The study of variational feed rate in 4-axis machining of blades [J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing.2018,19:1419-1428.
(8)尹韶辉,龚胜,何博文,陈逢军,尹自强,曹成国.小口径非球面斜轴磨削及磁流变抛光组合加工工艺及装备技术研究[J].机械工程学报: 2018,54(21):205-211.
(9)S.H. Yin, H.P. Jia, G.H. Zhang, et al. Review of small aspheric glass lens molding technologies. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 12(1): 66-76.
(10)Tang Q C, Yin S H, Zhang G H, et al. Post-processor development for a turning and milling composite machine tool[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 95(1):1-11.
(11)Nguyen N T, Tran T N, Yin S H, et al. Multi-objective optimization of improved magnetic abrasive finishing of multi-curved surfaces made of SUS202 material[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 88(1-4):381-391.
(12)Hu Luo, Shaohui Yin, Guanhua Zhang, Qingchun Tang, Junxiao Gen, Shuai Huang*. Study of superhydrophobic surface in self-cleaning of magnetorheological fluid. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 53(3):1769~1780.
(13)Qing-Chun Tang, Guan-Hua Zhang, Hu Luo, Shao-Hui Yin. Post-process or development for a turning and milling composite machine tool. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2017(1):1-11.
(14)Hu Luo, Guanhua Zhang, Qingchun Tang, Meijian Guo, Shaohui Yin. Optimized pre-thinning procedures of ion-beam thinning for TEM sample preparation by magnetorheological polishing. Ultramicroscopy, 2017, 181: 165~172.
(15)Yongqiang Wang, Han Huang, Shaohui Yin. Polishing characteristics and mechanism in magnetorheological planarization using a permanent magnetic yoke with translational movement. Precision Engineering, 2016, 43(1): 93~104.
(16)龚胜, 王永强, 尹韶辉. 应用环形磁场控制的微粉砂轮制备及其磨削性能. 机械工程学报, 2016, 52(17): 78~85.
(17)尹韶辉, 王永强, 李叶鹏,等. 蓝宝石基片的磁流变化学抛光试验研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 52(5):80-87.
(18)Nguyen N T, Yin S H, Chen F J, et al. Multi-objective optimization of circular magnetic abrasive polishing of SUS304 and Cu materials[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science & Technology, 2016, 30(6):2643-2650.
(19)Wang Y.Q, Yin S.H, Huang H, Chen F.J, Deng G.J. Magnetorheological polishing using a permanent magnetic yoke with straight air gap for ultra-smooth surface planarization. Precision Engineering, 2015, 40(1): 309-317.
(20)Fengjun Chen, Shaohui Yin, Han Huang, Hitoshi Ohmori. Fabrication of small aspheric moulds using single point inclined axis grinding. Precision Engineering, 2015, 39: 107~115.



Professional Activities

Vice-Chairman and Secretary General of the China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-precision Machining (CJUMP)
Active member of  The International Committee for Abrasive Technology(ICAT)
Active Member of Production Engineering Branch Committee, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society(CMES)
Member of Standing Committee of  Chinese Committee of Grinding/Surface Finishing Technology/Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, Production Engineering Institution, CMES
Editorial members of 《Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences)》, 《Diamond & Abrasives Engineering》, 《Machinery and Electronics》, 《Surface Technology》
Reviewer, 《Int.J of Machine Tools & Manufacture》,《WEAR》,《J of Materials Processing Technology》,《Int. J of Materials and Product Technology》, 《Journal of Mechanical Engineering》,《China Mechanical Engineering》,《Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering》.
 Member of Engineering and Technical Committee of National Engineering Research Center for High efficiency Grinding
Member of expert steering Committee of Engineering Technology Research Center for CNC Precision Grinding Machine in Hunan Province