
Released Time:2018-03-20 星期二 21:35:38 Hits:28893

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State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan Province,  410082, People’s Republic of China
Tel.: 13017297124
E-mail: ZDWe_mail@126.com


2011–present: Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Delivery Engineering
2006–2010: Associate professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering
1998-2003: Assistant professor, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Department of Materials Engineering


Communications vetting expert on National natural science foundation of China, Expert of casting technology committee of hunan province


2006: PhD Materials science and engineering, Hunan University
1998: MPhil Material science, Wuhan university of science and technology
1995: AB Department of mechanical engineering, Hunan University

Research Areas

Automotive lightweight forming technology, Body material connection technology and mechanism, Automobile mold and CAE technology, Laser welding 


The main papers are as follows:
[1] Dianwu Zhou*,Tian Li,Shaohua Xu,Jinshui Liu. Numerical and experimental investigations in laser welding for steel and magnesium alloy[J].Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing,2018,5(3): 222-236 (in English)
[2] Dianwu Zhou*,Jinshui Liu,Yuanzhi Lu,Shaohua Xu.Effect of adding powder on joint properties of laser penetration welding for duel phase steel and aluminum alloy[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2017,94(2):171-179 (in English) 
[3] Dianwu Zhou*,Shaohua Xu,Lijuan Zhang,Yan Peng,Jinshui Liu. Microstructure, mechanical properties and electronic simulations of steel/aluminum alloy joint during deep penetration laser welding[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 89(1):377-387 (in English)
[4] J.Zhang,G.L.Xia,Z.P.Guo,D.W.Zhou*.Synergetic Effects toward Catalysis and Confinement of Magnesium Hydride on Modified Graphene:A First-Principles Study[J].The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017,121(34):18401-18411(in English)
[5] J.Zhang,H.Qu, S.Yan, G.Wu, X.F.Yu, D.W.Zhou*.Catalytic effect of nickel phthalocyanine on hydrogen storage properties of magnesium hydride: Experimental and first-principles studies[J].International journal of hydrogen energy,2017,42(47):28485-28497(in English)
[6] Dianwu Zhou*, Shaohua Xu, Li Peng, Jinshui Liu.Laser lap welding quality of steel/aluminum dissimilar metals joint and its electronic simulations[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 86(5): 2231-2242 (in English)
[7] Dianwu Zhou*, Ningning Li, Shaohua Xu, Jinshui Liu. Research on laser weld bonding of duel phase steel to aluminum alloy[J].International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2016,11(3):209-220 (in English)
[8] Dianwu Zhou*, Jinshui Liu,Shaohua Xu,Ping Peng.First-principles investigation of the binary intermetallics in Mg-Al-Sr alloy: Stability, elastic properties and electronic structure[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2014,86(1-2):24-29 (in English)
[9] Dianwu Zhou*,Jinshui Liu,Shaohua Xu,Ping Peng.Thermal stability and elastic properties of Mg2X (X=Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) phases from first-principle calculations[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 51(1-2): 409-414 (in English) 
[10] C.Li,P.Peng,D.W.Zhou*,L.Wan.Research progress in LiBH4 for hydrogen storage:A review[J]. International journal of hydrogen energy, 2011,36(1-2): 14512-14526 (in English)
[11] Dianwu Zhou*, Jinshui Liu, Shaohua Xu,Ping Peng.Thermal stability and elastic properties of Mg3Sb2 and Mg3Bi2 phases from first-principles calculations[J].Physica B: Condensed Matter,2010,405(13):2863-2868 (in English)
[12] Dianwu Zhou*,Jinshui Liu,Ping Peng,Lv Chen,Yanjun Hu.A first-principles study on the structural stability of Al2Ca Al4Ca and Mg2Ca phases[J].Materials Letters,2008,62(2): 206-210 (in English)
[13] Dianwu Zhou*,Ping Peng,Jinshui Liu.Electronic structure and phase stability of Mg-Ce intermetallic compounds from first-principles calculations[J].Journals Alloys and Compounds, 2007,428(1-2):316-321(in English)  
[14] P.Peng,D.W.Zhou*,J.S.Liu,R.Yang,Z.Q.Hu.First-principles study of the properties of Ni/Ni3Al interface doped with B or P [J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006,416(1-2):169-175 (in English) 
[15] Dianwu Zhou*,Songlin Li,R.A.Varin, Ping Peng, Jinshui.Liu, Feng Yang. Mechanical alloying and electronic simulations of 2Mg-Fe mixture powers for hydrogen storage[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006, 427(1-2): 306-315(in English) 
[16] Dianwu Zhou*,Yan Peng,Shaohua Xu, Jinshui Liu.Microstructure and mechanical property of steel/Al alloy laser welding with Sn powder addition[J].Acta metallurgica sinica, 2013, 49(8): 959-968 (in Chinese) 


Research Work
[1] Chairperson of the Project of “Application demonstration of laser welding technology and equipment for aerospace, aviation and transportation”, which is supported by National key research and development program No. 2018YFB1107905
[2] Chairperson of the Project of “ Research on fusion welding mechanism of steel/magnesium coupling regulated by laser-powder-adhesive layer”, which is supported by National natural science foundation of China No. 51774125
[3] Chairperson of the Project of “Research on regulation and its mechanism of brittleness Fe-Al compounds in steel/aluminum lap joint for deep penetration laser welding”, which is supported by National natural science foundation of China No. 51674112
[4] Co-investigator of the Project of “Research on key technology of zirconium alloy used in CAP1400 guide components”, which is supported by Major national science and technology projects No. 2017ZX06002005
[5] Chairperson of the Project of “Research on the evaluation system of the new zirconium alloy used in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant”, which is supported by state nuclear titanium zirconium industry co. LTD
[6] Chairperson of the Project of “Comparative study on punching properties of zirconium alloy strip”, which is supported by state nuclear titanium zirconium industry co. LTD
[7] Co-investigator of the Project of “Double liquid-metallurgical composite casting and surface laser hardening technology for automobile mold casting”, which is supported by Hunan strategic emerging industry science and technology project No. 2014GK1011
[8] Chairperson of the Project of “ Study on Zirlo alloy used in special lattice for nuclear fuel assembly”,which is supported by Industrial support project of hunan province No.2014GK3112
[9] Chairperson of the Project of “First-principles study of structural stability and intrinsic mechanical properties of Mg-Al base alloys”, which is supported by China postdoctoral science foundation No. 2013M531781
[10] Co-investigator of the Project of “Car body development database”, which is supported by National high technology research and development program key projects No. 2012AA111802
[11] Chairperson of the Project of “Simulation calculation, process optimization and application of cast iron for High-grade CNC machine tool equipment”, which is supported by Industrial support project of hunan province No.2012GK3153
[12] Chairperson of the project of “First-principles study of mechanism on heat resistance properties of advanced Mg-Al-Ca(Sr) alloy with low cost elements addition”,which is supported by the PhD Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China No.200805321032
[13] Chairperson of the project of “A study on interface electronic structure and hydrogen desorption mechanism in MgH2-Nb Systems”,which is supported by Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China No.09JJ6079