Released Time:2018-03-20 星期二 22:13:19 Hits:39295
Address: State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, P.R. China
Tel: +86-18673190717
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body | Deputy Director 2017.09 - Present
Hunan University | Prof. 2019.01 - Present
Hunan University | A/Prof. 2013.01 -2018.12
Hunan University | Lecturer 2009.10 - 2012.12
Hunan University
Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D 2009.09 - 2011.07
National University of Singapore
Mechanical Engineering (Joint training) 2007.09 - 2009.08
Hunan University
Mechanical Engineering, Master 2005.09 - 2007.08
Hunan University
Mechanical Engineering, B. Eng. 2001.09 - 2005.06
Numerical methods
Material forming
Plate and shell elements
Material design
Multi-field coupling
Structure analysis
Dynamic and nonlinear
Engineering software
Unstructured solid-shell interaction element theory and its application in electromagnetic forming, National Natural Science Foundation of China Presided
Temporal and spatial stable nodal integration method and its application for vehicle body design and manufacturing, National Natural Science Foundation of China Presided
Continuity re-relaxed triangular thin plate and shell elements investigation and its application for vehicle body design, National Natural Science Foundation of China Presided
Highly Efficient CAD/CAE Integrative Computational Algorithm for Major Projects Requirement, Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China Main researcher
1. She Li, Xiangyang Cui. N-sided polygonal smoothed finite element method (nSFEM) with non-matching meshes and their applications for brittle fracture problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019;
2. Bie Y H, Li S, Hu X, *Cui X Y. An implicit dual-based approach to couple peridynamics with classical continuum mechanics. Int J Numer Methods Eng. 2019; 120: 1349-1379.
3. Liu P W, Wang Z, Xiao Y H, Horstemeyer M F, *Cui X.Y., *Chen L. Insight into the mechanisms of columnar to equiaxed grain transition during metallic additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing 2019; 26: 22-29.
4. Li S, Tian L, *Cui X Y. Phase field crack model with diffuse description for fracture problem and implementation in engineering applications. Advances in Engineering Software 2019; 129:44-56.
5. C.S Ding, R.R. Deokar, Y.J. Ding, G.Y. Li, *X.Y Cui, *K.K.Tamma, *S. P.A.Bordas. Model order reduction accelerated Monte Carlo stochastic isogeometric method for the analysis of structures with high-dimensional and independent material uncertainties. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019; 349: 266-284.
6. C.S Ding, X. B Hu, *X.Y Cui, G.Y. Li, Y. Cai, *K. K. Tamma. Isogeometric generalized n th order perturbation-based stochastic method for exact geometric modeling of (composite) structures: Static and dynamic analysis with random material parameters. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019; 346:1002-1024.
7. H Yang, *XY Cui, S Li, YH Bie. A stable node-based smoothed finite element method for metal forming analysis. Computational Mechanics 2019; 63: 1147-1164.
8. C.S Ding, R. Deokar, *X.Y Cui, G.Y. Li, Y. Cai, *K.K. Tamma. Proper orthogonal decomposition and Monte Carlo based isogeometric stochastic method for material, geometric and force multi-dimensional uncertainties. Computational Mechanics 2019; 63: 521-533.
9. Li S., *Cui X.Y. An edge-based smoothed finite element method for nonlinear magnetostatic and eddy current analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2018; 62: 287-302.
10. Li S., *Cui X.Y. Li G.Y. Modelling and demonstration of electromagnetically assisted stamping system using an interactive mapping method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2018; 144: 312-323.
11. Liu P W, *Cui X.Y., Deng J.S., Li S., Li Z.C, Chen L. Investigation of thermal responses during metallic additive manufacturing using a “Tri-Prism” fnite element method. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2019; 136: 217-229
12. .Liu P W, Ji Y.Z., Wang Z, Antonysamy A. A, Chen L Q, *Cui X.Y., *Chen L. Investigation on evolution mechanisms of site-specific grain structures during metal additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2018; 257: 191-202.
13. Yan H.H., Bie Y.H., *Cui X Y, Xiong G.P., Chen L. A computational investigation of thermal effect on lithium dendrite growth. Energy Conversion and Management 2018; 161: 193-204.
14. Bie Y.H., *Cui X Y, Li Z.C. A coupling approach of state-based peridynamics with node-based smoothed finite element method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2018; 331:675-700.
15. Yang T.J., *Cui X Y. A random field model based on nodal integration domain for stochastic analysis of heat transfer problems. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2017; 122: 231-247.
16. Li S., *Cui X Y , Li G.Y. Multi-physics analysis of electromagnetic forming process using an edge-based smoothed finite element method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017; 134: 244-252.
17. *Cui X Y, Hu X B, Zeng Y. A copula-based perturbation stochastic method for fiber-reinforced composite structures with correlations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017; 322:351-372.
18. Da D C, Chen J H, * Cui X Y , *Li G.Y, Design of materials using hybrid cellular automata. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2017; 56: 131-137.
19. *Cui X Y, Tian L. A central point-based discrete shear gap method for plates and shells analysis using triangular elements. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2017; 9(4): 1750055.
20. Feng H., *Cui X Y, Li G.Y. Coupled-field simulation of electromagnetic tube forming process using a stable nodal integration method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017; 128-129: 332-344.
21. Ding C X, *Cui X Y, Huang G X, Li G.Y, Tamma K.K. Exact and efficient isogeometric reanalysis of accurate shape and boundary modifications. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017; 318:619-635.
22. Feng H, *Cui X Y, Li G.Y. A stable nodal integration method for static and quasi-static electromagnetic field computation. Journal of Computational Physics 2017; 336: 580-594.
23. *Cui X Y, Li S, Feng H., Li G.Y. A triangular prism solid and shell interactive mapping element for electromagnetic sheet metal forming process. Journal of Computational Physics 2017; 336: 192-211.
24. *Cui X Y, Hu X, Wang G, Li G Y, An accurate and efficient scheme for acoustic-structure interaction problems based on unstructured mesh. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017; 317:1122-1145.
25. Hu X B, *Cui X Y, Liang Z.M, Li G Y. The performance prediction and optimization of the fiber-reinforced composite structure with uncertain parameters. Composite Structures 2017; 164: 207-218.
26. Li S, *Cui X Y, Feng H., Wang G. An electromagnetic forming analysis modelling using nodal integration axisymmetric thin shell. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2017; 244: 62-72.
27. Wang G., *Cui X Y, *Li G.Y. An element decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation. Communications in Computational Physics. 2016; 20(5):1258-1282.
28. Wang G.,* Cui X Y, Li G Y. A rotation free shell formulation using nodal integration for static and dynamic analyses of structures. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2016; 105:532-560
29. Feng S.Z., *Cui X Y, Li A.M. Fast and efficient analysis of transient nonlinear heat conduction problems using combined approximations (CA) method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016; 97: 638-644.
30. *Cui X Y, Li Z.C, Feng H, Feng S Z. Steady and transient heat transfer analysis using a stable node-based smoothed finite element method. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2016; 110: 12-25.
31. *Cui X Y, Wang G., Li G Y. A nodal integration axisymmetric thin shell model using linear interpolation. Applied Mathematical Modelling2016; 40: 2720-2742.