Released Time:2018-03-23 星期五 17:24:15 Hits:39419
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan Province, 410082
2012 – present: Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
1994 – 1996: Assistant Engineer, Tangshan BAIJI Laser Image Processing Co. Ltd
2005 – 2012: Research Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
2000 – 2002: Postdoc, Northwestern University, Evanston, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2000: PhD Physical Electronics, Tianjin University
2002: MS Electrical Engineering, Virginia Tech
1997: MS Optoelectronics, Tianjin University
1994: BS Optoelectronics, Tianjin University
Laser Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Micro/nano
Manufacturing, Intelligent Manufacturing
2019 National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant #51875190: “Microstructure tailoring mechanism and fabrication of functional-graded components using a quasi-continuous-wave laser” (¥660,000)
2018 Shenzhen Peacock Team Grant #KQTD2017032815444316, “Light-weighted novel materials for vehicle and communication equipment” (¥20,000,000)
2017 Changsha Science and Technology Bureau Grant, “Intelligent Laser Manufacturing” (¥1,000,000)
2017 The State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body Grant, “Laser Additive Manufacturing of Aluminum Alloys” (¥50,000)
2017 Hunan University Grant: “Additive manufacturing of high loaded rotating parts” (¥200,000)
2016 Science and Technology Planning Project of Hunan Province Grant #2016JC2006 “Material densification behavior and interface characterization” (¥400,000)
2016 Science and Technology Planning Project of Hunan Province Grant #2016TP1008 “Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Laser Manufacturing” (¥2,000,000)
2016 The Sixth China Overseas Chinese Contribution Award - innovation achievement award
2015 First prize in science and technology award of China Machinery Industry
2014 National Science Foundation Grant # IIP-1430981: SBIR Phase II: Sensors for InLine Certification Capability for Robotic Welding and Additive Manufacturing ($723,000)
2014 National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant # 51375158: “Non-intrusive in-situ identification of composition and phase transformation of an alloy using laser induced plasma spectroscopy” (¥800,000)
2014 Hunan University Grant, “Platform for Laser Manufacturing” (¥23,000,000)
2013 National Science Foundation Grant # IIP-1248690: “SBIR Phase I: Sensors for InLine Certification Capability for Additive Manufacturing” ($150,000)
2012 The State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body Grant, “Spectroscopic diagnosis of laser welding” (¥200,000)
2012 Hunan University and Central Government Startup Grant “Intelligent Laser Additive Manufacturing” (¥3,500,000)
1.G.Y. Luo, H. Xiao, S.M. Li, C.S.Wang, Q.Zhu, L.J. Song*,Quasi-continuous wave laser surface melting of aluminium alloy: precipitate morphology, solute segregation and corrosion resistance, Corrosion Science, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2019.01.035
2.W.J. Xiao, S.M Li, C.S. Wang, Y. Shi, J. Mazumder, H.Xing, L.J. Song*, Multi-scale simulation of dendrite growth for direct energy deposition of nickel-based superalloys, Materials & Design. 164 (2019) 107553
3.Z.Y Liu, L. Jiang, Z. Wang, L.J. Song, Mathematical Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Multi-track and Multi-layer Laser Powder Deposition of Single-Crystal Superalloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. (2018) DOI: 10.1007/s11661-018-4914-7
4.L.J. Song*, F.H. Wang, S.M. Li and X. Han, Phase congruency melt pool edge extraction for laser additive manufacturing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 250 (2017) 261-269
5.H. Xiao, S.M. Li, X. Han, J. Mazumder and L.J. Song*, Laves phase control of Inconel 718 alloy using quasi-continuous-wave laser additive manufacturing, Materials & Design, 122 (2017) 330-339
6.S.M. Li, H. Xiao, K.Y. Liu, W.J. Xiao, Y.Q. Li, X. Han, J. Mazumder and L.J. Song*, Melt-pool motion, temperature variation and dendritic morphology of Inconel 718 during pulsed- and continuous-wave laser additive manufacturing: a comparative study, Materials & Design, 119 (2017) 351-360
7.H. Xiao, S.M. Li, W.J. Xiao, Y.Q. Li, L.M. Cha, J. Mazumder, and L.J. Song*, Effects of laser modes on Nb segregation and Laves phase formation during laser additive manufacturing of nickel-based superalloy, Materials Letters 188 (2017) 260–262
8.L.J. Song*, W.K. Huang, X. Han, J. Mazumder, Real-Time Composition Monitoring Using Support Vector Regression of Laser Induced Plasma for Metal Additive Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017 64 (1) (633-642).
9.X.F. Xiao, L.J. Song*, W.J. Xiao, X.B. Liu, Space-dependent characterization of laser-induced plasma plume during fiber laser welding, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 485203 (12pp).
10.L.J. Song*, H. Xiao, J.Y. Ye, and S.M. Li, Direct Laser Deposition of Layer-Band-Free Ultrafine Ti6Al4V Coating, Surface & Coatings Technology, 307PA (2016) pp. 761-771
11.L.J. Song*, G.C. Zeng, H. Xiao, X.F. Xiao, S.M. Li, Repair of 304 Stainless Steel by Laser Cladding with 316L Stainless Steel Powders Followed by Laser Surface Alloying with WC Powders, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 24 (2016) 116–124.
12.C. Jiang, W. Zhang, X. Han, B.Y. Ni, L.J. Song, A Vine-Copula-Based Reliability Analysis Method for Structures with Multidimensional Correlation [J]. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2015, 137(6):06145
13.D.H. Kam, J. Kim J, L.J. Song, J. Mazumder, Formation mechanism of micro-spikes on AISI 4340 steel with femtosecond laser pulses at near-threshold fluence [J]. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, (2015), 25(4): 045007
14.L.Z. Zhao, M.J. Zhao, L.J. Song, J. Mazumder, Ultra-fine Al–Si hypereutectic alloy fabricated by direct metal deposition[J]. Materials & Design, (2014), 56: 542-548.
15.S. Bhattacharya, D.H. Kam, L.J. Song, Characterization of individual microneedles formed on alloy surfaces by femtosecond laser ablation[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, (2012), 43(8): 2574-2580.
16.L.J. Song*, J. Mazumder, Real time Cr measurement using optical emission spectroscopy during direct metal deposition process. IEEE Sensors Journal, (2012), 12(5):958-964.
17.L.J. Song*, B. Vijayavel, D. Bhaskar. and J. Mazumder, Control of melt pool temperature and deposition height during direct metal deposition process. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2012), 58(1): 247-256.