Released Time:2018-03-26 星期一 23:46:41 Hits:28215
Name: Fuhao MO
Deapartment: Department of Mechanical Design
Title: Associate Professor/PhD Supervisor
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2019.1-2019.12 Visiting scholar,Aix-Marseille University/ IFSTTAR
2017.12-present Associate Professor,Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
2013.04-2017.10 Assistant Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
2012.10-2013.03 Research Engineer – IFSTTAR
2009.09-2012.09 Ph.D. – Biomechanics,Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics,Aix-Marseille University-IFSTTAR
2007.09-2009.09 Master – Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University
2003.09-2007.06 Bachelor-Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation), Hunan University
Human-computer interaction, Autonomous vehicle, Virtual human modeling and application
1. General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 51875187, Deep Learning 3D Muscle Control of Human Lower Limb Biomechanics Model and Its Application, 2019/01-2022/12, PI
2. Collaborative project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Forensic Science Research Institute, 2019/12-2020/12, PI
3. General Project of Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation, 2019JJ40021, Study on Construction and Application of Active Control Human Lower Limb Model Driven by Living Tissue Characteristics, 2019 / 01-2021 / 12, PI
4. Enterprise Transverse, Geely Automobile Research Institute, Research and Application of Pedestrian Safety Based on Chinese Human Lower Limb Biomechanics Model, 2018/11-2019/11, PI
5. National key R & D plan, 2018YFC1105800, R & D of core technologies for biomechanical regulation of tissue regeneration and its clinical application transformation, 2018/08-2021/06, scientific research backbone
6. Enterprise Horizontal, China Civil Aviation Administration's Second Research Institute, Civil Aviation Seat Comfort Study, 2018/05-2019/05, PI
7. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project, 51405150, Research on KTH Injury Mechanism and Tolerance Limit Based on 3D Active Muscle Lower Limb-Pelvic Model, 2015/01-2017/12, PI
8. Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, 2015JJ3052, Mechanism Analysis of Knee Joint Injury under Impact of Human Lower Limb Landing Impact during Exercise, 2015/01-2017/12, PI
9. Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Project, Research on Defect Control and Optimal Design Method of Hot Molding Process for Continuous Fiber Fabric Composites, 2017/01-2018/12, PI
10. State Key Laboratory Free Exploration Project, Study on the mechanism of thoracolumbar spine injury in children / adults in a frontal collision, 2015/01-2016 /12, PI
11. Fundamental Business Expenses of Central Universities-Young Teacher Growth Plan, 2013/05-2018/04, PI
12. French road safety foundationt, pedestrian safety improvement plan, 2009/10-2013/3, scientific research backbone
Selected recent publications
1. Xiao Z, Wang L, Mo F*, Zhao S, Liu C. Optimal design of pre-triggering airbag system for occupant protection performance during frontal crashes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2019;233(11):2850-2862.
2. Li F, Huang W, Wang X, Lv X, Mo F*. Effects of active muscle forces on driver’s lower-limb injuries due to emergency brake in various frontal impacts. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering.0(0):0954407019870704.
3. Mo F, Li J, Dan M, Liu T, Behr M. Implementation of controlling strategy in a biomechanical lower limb model with active muscles for coupling multibody dynamics and finite element analysis. Journal of biomechanics. 2019;91:51-60.
4. Mo F, Li J, Yang Z, Zhou S, Behr M. In Vivo Measurement of Plantar Tissue Characteristics and Its Indication for Foot Modeling. Annals of biomedical engineering. Jul 1 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-019-02314-0.
5. Mo F*, Li F, Behr M, Xiao Z, Zhang G, Du X. A Lower Limb-Pelvis Finite Element Model with 3D Active Muscles. Annals of biomedical engineering. Jan 2018;46(1):86-96.
6. Duan S, Mo F*, Yang X, Tao Y, Wu D, Peng Y. Experimental and numerical investigations of strain rate effects on mechanical properties of LGFRP composite. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016;88:101-107.
7. Mo F*, Arnoux PJ, Cesari D, Masson C, Investigation of the injury threshold of knee ligaments by the parametric study of car-pedestrian impact conditions, Safety Science, 2014, 62(0): 58-67.
8. Mo F*, Masson C, Cesari D, Arnoux PJ, Coupling lateral bending and shearing mechanisms to define knee injury criteria for pedestrian safety, Traffic Injury Prevention, 2013, 14(4): 378-386.
9. Mo F*, Arnoux PJ, Zahidi O, Masson C, Injury thresholds of knee ligaments under lateral-medial shear loading: an experimental study, Traffic Injury Prevention, 2013, 14(6): 623-629.
10. Mo F*, Arnoux PJ, Jure JJ, Masson C. Injury tolerance of tibia for the car–pedestrian impact. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2012;46(0):18-25.