
Released Time:2018-03-22 星期四 13:38:15 Hits:50195

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Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering

Hunan University




2015 – present: Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering

2008 – 2015: Associate Professor, College of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology

2011 – 2012: Visiting Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Germany

2006 – 2008: Lecturer, College of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology





2006: PhD Mechanical Engineering, College of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology

1998: B.S in Mechanical Engineering, College of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology



Research Areas

Phononic crystals, Acoustic/elastic metamaterials, Smart materials and structures, Structural dynamics, Electromechanical control of complex equipment



2018  National Natural Science Foundation of China, #11772123: “Smart metamaterial plates based on self-adaptive piezoelectric shunting arrays and its application in vibration and noise control” (¥560,000)

2016  Hunan Provincial Key Research Program, #2016SK2014: “Development and demonstration of ‘Internet +’ smart plastic bottle recycling system” (¥400,000)

2013  National Natural Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars in China, #51322502: “Smart structure and structural vibration control” (¥1,000,000)

2011  Natural Science Award of Hunan Province, China. [20112049-Z1-213-D01] 1st Grade

2010  National Natural Science Foundation of China, #50905182: “Research on the band gap characteristic of periodic structure with embedded active oscillators” (¥200,000)

2009  Special Research Fund for National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award: “Sound and vibration control based on band-gap theory and smart structures, theory and applications”(¥600,000)

2008  National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award

2006  National Natural Science Foundation of China, #50575222: “Mechanism and the vibration attenuation application of low-frequency band gaps in locally resonant phononic crystals” (¥300,000)

2003  Guanghua Scholarship

2002  University Ph.D. Innovation Fellowship

1998  Guanghua Scholarship



  1. Gang Wang, Jihong Wen, Xiaoyun Han and Honggang Zhao. Finite difference time domain method for the study of band gap in two-dimensional phononic crystals. Acta Physica Sinica. 2003. 52(8):1943-1947

  2. Gang Wang, Xisen Wen, Jihong Wen, Lihui Shao and Yaozong Liu. Two dimensional locally resonant phononic crystals with binary structures. Physical Review Letters. 2004. 93(15):154302

  3. Gang Wang, Jihong Wen, Yaozong Liu and Xisen Wen. Lumped-mass method for the study of band structure in two-dimensional phononic crystals. Physical Review B. 2004. 69(18):184302

  4. Gang Wang, Dianlong Yu, Jihong Wen, Yaozong Liu and Xisen Wen. One-dimensional phononic crystals with locally resonant structures. Physics Letters A. 2004. 327(5-6):512-521

  5. Jihong Wen, Gang Wang, Yaozong Liu and Dianlong Yu. Lumped-mass method on calculation of elastic band gaps of one-dimensional phononic crystals. Acta Physica Sinica. 2004. 53(10):3384-3388

  6. Jihong Wen, Gang Wang, Dianlong Yu, Honggang Zhao and Yaozong Liu. Theoretical and experimental investigation of flexural wave propagation in straight beams with periodic structures: Application to a vibration isolation structure. Journal of Applied Physics. 2005. 97(11):114907

  7. Gang Wang, Jihong Wen and Xisen Wen. Quasi-one-dimensional phononic crystals studied using the improved lumped-mass method: Application to locally resonant beams with flexural wave band gap. Physical Review B. 2005. 71(10):104302

  8. Honggang Zhao, Yaozong Liu, Gang Wang, Jihong Wen, Dianlong Yu, Xiaoyun Han and Xisen Wen. Resonance modes and gap formation in a two-dimensional solid phononic crystal. Physical Review B. 2005. 72(1):012301

  9. Gang Wang, Jihong Wen, Yaozong Liu, Dianlong Yu and Xisen Wen. Lumped-mass approach for the calculation of band structure of two-dimensional phononic crystals with high contrast of elastic constant. Acta Physica Sinica. 2005. 54(3):1247-1252

  10. Gang Wang, Xisen Wen, Jihong Wen and Yaozong Liu. Quasi-one-dimensional periodic structure with locally resonant band gap. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2006. 73(1):167-170

  11. Gang Wang, Yao-Zong Liu, Ji-Hong Wen and Dian-Long Yu. Formation mechanism of the low-frequency locally resonant band gaps in the two-dimensional ternary phononic crystals. Chinese Physics. 2006. 15(2):407-411

  12. Gang Wang, Li-Hui Shao, Yao-Zong Liu and, Ji-Hong Wen. Accurate evaluation of lowest band gaps in ternary locally resonant phononic crystals. Chinese Physics. 2006. 15(8):1843-1848

  13. Dian-Long Yu, Gang Wang, Yao-Zong Liu, Ji-Hong Wen and Jing Qiu. Flexural vibration band gaps in thin plates with two-dimensional binary locally resonant structures. Chinese Physics. 2006. 15(2):266-271

  14. Dianlong Yu, Yaozong Liu, Gang Wang, Honggang Zhao, and Jing Qiu. Flexural vibration band gaps in Timoshenko beams with locally resonant structures. Flexural vibration band gaps in Timoshenko beams with locally resonant structures. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006. 100(12):124901

  15. Dianlong Yu, Yaozong Liu, Gang Wang, Li Cai, and Jing Qiu. Low frequency torsional vibration band gaps in the shaft with locally resonant structure. Physics Letters A. 2006. 348(3-6):410-415

  16. Jihong Wen, Dianlong Yu, Gang Wang, Honggang Zhao, Yaozong Liu and Xisen Wen. Directional propagation characteristics of flexural waves in two dimensional thin plate phononic crystals. Chinese Physics Letters. 2007. 24(5):1305-1308

  17. Jihong Wen, Dianong Yu, Gang Wang, Honggang Zhao, Yaozong Liu and Xisen Wen. The directional propagation characteristics of elastic wave in two-dimensional thin plate phononic crystals. Physics Letters A. 2007. 364:323-328

  18. Jihong Wen, Dianong Yu, Gang Wang, Honggang Zhao and Yaozong Liu. The characteristics of wave propagation in laminated grid structure. Acta Physica Sinica. 2007. 56(4):2298-2303

  19. Jihong Wen, Dianlong Yu, Gang Wang and Xisen Wen. Directional propagation characteristics of flexural wave in two dimensional periodic grid-like plate structures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2008. 41(13):135505

  20. Jihong Wen, Gang Wang, Dianong Yu, Honggang Zhao, Yaozong Liu and Xisen Wen. Study on the vibration band gap and vibration attenuation property of phononic crystals. Science in China Series E. 2008. 51:85-99

  21. Gang Wang, Shengbing Chen and Jihong Wen. Low-frequency locally resonant band gaps induced by arrays of resonant shunts with Antoniou’s circuit: experimental investigation on beams. Smart Materials and Structures. 2011. 20(1):015026

  22. Gang Wang, Jianwei Wang, Shengbing Chen and Jihong Wen. Vibration attenuations induced by periodic arrays of piezoelectric patches connected by enhanced resonant shunting circuits. Smart Materials and Structures. 2011. 20(12):125019

  23. Shengbing Chen, Jihong Wen, Gang Wang, Xiaoyun Han and Xisen Wen. Locally Resonant Gaps of Phononic Beams Induced by Periodic Arrays of Resonant Shunts. Chinese Physics Letters. 2011. 28(9):094301

  24. Jianwei Wang, Gang Wang, Shengbing Chen and Jihong Wen. Broadband Attenuation in Phononic Beams Induced by Periodic Arrays of Feedback Shunted Piezoelectric Patchs. Chinese Physics Letters. 2012. 29(6):064320

  25. Shengbing Chen, Jihong Wen, Gang Wang, Dianlong Yu and Xisen Wen. Improved modeling of rods with periodic arrays of shunted piezoelectric patches. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2012. 23(14):1613-1621

  26. Jianwei Wang, Gang Wang, JiHong Wen, and Xisen Wen. Flexural vibration band gaps in periodic stiffened plate structures. Mechanika. 2012. 2:186-191

  27. Yong Xiao, Jihong Wen, Gang Wang and Xisen Wen. Theoretical and experimental study of locally resonant and Bragg band gaps in flexural beams carrying periodic arrays of beam-like resonators. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 2013. 135(4):041006

  28. Shengbing Chen, Gang Wang, Jihong Wen and Xisen Wen. Wave propagation and attenuation in plates with periodic arrays of shunted piezo-patches. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2013. 332(6):1520-1532

  29. Sheng-Bing Chen, Ji-Hong Wen, Gang Wang and Xi-Sen Wen. Tunable band gaps in acoustic metamaterials with periodic arrays of resonant shunted piezos. Chinese Physics B. 2013. 22(7):074301

  30. Jihong Wen, Shengbing Chen, Gang Wang, Dianlong Yu and Xisen Wen, Directionality of wave propagation and attenuation in plates with resonant shunting arrays. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2016. 27(1):28-38.

  31. Gang Wang and Shengbing Chen, Large low-frequency vibration attenuation induced by arrays of piezoelectric patches shunted with amplifier–resonator feedback circuits. Smart Materials and Structures, 2016. 25(1):015004.

  32. Shengbing Chen, Gang Wang and Yubao Song, Low-frequency vibration isolation in sandwich plates by piezoelectric shunting arrays. Smart Materials and Structures, 2016. 25 125024

  33. Shengbing Chen and Gang Wang, Wave propagation in beams with anti-symmetric piezoelectric shunting arrays. Chinese Physics B, 2016. 25(3):034301.

  34. He Z C, Li E, Wang G, Li G Y and Xia Z, Development of an efficient algorithm to analyze the elastic wave in acoustic metamaterials. Acta Mechanica, 2016. 227 3015–30

  35. Li E, He Z C and Wang G, An exact solution to compute the band gap in phononic crystals. Computational Materials Science, 2016. 122 72–85

  36. Gang Wang, Jianqing Cheng, Jingwei Chen and Yunze He, Multi-resonant piezoelectric shunting induced by digital controllers for subwavelength elastic wave attenuation in smart metamaterial. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017. 26 025031

  37. Xiaodong Zhang, Huile Zhang, Zhongsheng Chen and Gang Wang*. 2018 Simultaneous realization of large sound insulation and efficient energy harvesting with acoustic metamaterial [J]. Smart Mater. Struct. 27 105018

  38. Li Eric, He Z C, Wang G, Liu G R. 2017 An ultra-accurate numerical method in the design of liquid phononic crystals with hard inclusion[J]. Computational Mechanics.

  39. Xiaodong Zhang, Zhicheng He, Gang Wang*. 2018 Extraordinary Sound Transmission through Geometrical Mismatched Channels Based on Near Zero Bulk Modulus and Fabry-Pérot Resonance [J]. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 055301

  40. Xiaodong Zhang, Fei Chen, Zhongsheng Chen and Gang Wang*. 2018 Membrane-type smart metamaterials for multi-modal sound insulation [J]. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 144(6) 3514-3524