Released Time:2018-03-20 星期二 22:45:35 Hits:18098
Department of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Hunan University
Lushan Road (S), Yuelu District, Changsha
Hunan 410082
2017 – present: Assistant Professor, Hunan University, Department of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
2015 – 2017: Mechanical Engineer, ABB Engineering Company(Shanghai), R&D
2015: PhD Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua Unversity
2010: AB Mechanical Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University
Robotics, Parallel Robotics, Cable-driven robots
2018 National Science Foundation of Hunan Province Grant #2018JJ3050: “Rehabilitation Robot Research on force characteristics based on cable-driven parallel mechanisms considering the gravity” (¥50,000)
“Singularity Characteristics of a Class of Spatial Redundantly actuated Cable-suspended Parallel Robots and Completely actuated ones” (Accepted) IFToMM2019, Poland
“Research on the dynamic trajectory of spatial cable-suspended parallel manipulators with actuation redundancy”. Mechatronics, 49, 2018, 26-35.
“A geometrical workspace calculation method for cable-driven parallel manipulators on minimum tension condition”. Advanced Robotics, 30(16), 2016:1-11.
“Dynamic trajectory planning study of planar two-dof redundantly actuated cable-suspended parallel robots” Mechatronics, 30, 2015, 187-197.