Released Time:2018-09-03 星期一 12:57:05 Hits:31799
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Hunan University
Lushan Road (S), Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province. Zip Code: 410082
2018 – present: Associated Research Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and
Vehicle Engineering
2016 – 2017: Staff Engineer I, GAC R&D Center, Advanced Development Center
2016: PhD Engineering, Tsinghua University
2010: Bachelor Engineering, Tsinghua University
Autonomous Vehicle, SLAM
S. E. Li, X. Qin, Y. Zheng, J. W, K. Li, H. Zhang. Distributed Platoon Control under Topologies with Complex Eigenvalues: Stability Analysis and Controller Synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2017: 1-15.
S. E. Li, X. Qin, K. Li, J. W, B. Xie. Robustness Analysis and Controller Synthesis of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoons with Bounded Parameter Uncertainty. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017, 22(2): 1014-1025.
J. Wang, J. Liu, X. Qin, K. Li. V2I-Based Multi-Objective Driver Assistance System for Intersection Support. Advances in Intelligent Vehicles, Pages 259-289, December, 2013.
B. Xie, S. Zheng, X. Qin, X. Zhou. DGPS-based Vehicle State Estimation in V2I Cooperative System. American Society of Civil Engineers Second International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, (June 29-July 2, 2013) ICTIS 2013, ASCE 2013:23-32.
S. Tian, S. Zheng, B. Xie, X. Qin. Intelligent Vehicle Platform and Signal Processing Method Applied to Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure. American Society of Civil Engineers Second International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, (June 29-July 2, 2013) ICTIS 2013, ASCE 2013:33-39.
X. Qin,J. Wang,B. Xie,M. Hu,K. Li. Distributed Control of Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoons. Automotive Engineering, 2017, 39(1): 73-78.
B.Xie, J. Wang, X. Qin, K. Li. Vehicle State Estimation Based on V2I System. Automotive Engineering, 2014, 36(8): 968-973.