Released Time:2020-04-11 星期六 12:39:05 Hits:63308
Associate professor
Research interests: trajectory planning; motion planning; nonlinear programming; autonomous driving; swarm intelligence; metaheuristics
Bai Li
Associate Professor
Doctoral supervisor
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University
Mobile phone: +86 15700080810
E-mail:,,, (all valid, the first one preferred)
2020.03 till now: Associate Professor, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University
2018.07 - 2020.03: Algorithm Engineer, JDX, Co., Ltd.
2013.09 - 2018.07: PhD degree, College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University (Supervised by Prof. Dr. Zhijiang Shao)
2009.09 - 2013.06: Bechlar degree, School of Advanced Engineering, Beihang University
2012.09 - 2013.01: Exchanged student, Schoool of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University
2016.12 - 2017.05: Joint training PhD student, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
Primary research interests include the decision-making and trajectory planning theories and methodologies for the autonomous vehicles / connected and automated vehicles
2014-2016 Best Paper Award for IFAC Journal (EAAl)
Outstanding Reviewer of Knowledge-Based Systems / Applied Soft Computing
李柏. 复杂约束下自动驾驶车辆运动规划的计算最优控制方法研究. PhD Thesis. 2018.07. [Full text]
李柏, 葛雨明. 智能网联汽车协同决策与规划技术. 北京:机械工业出版社. 2020.07. [Purchase link] [Code]
李柏, 张友民, 彭晓燕, 欧阳亚坤, 孔旗. 自动驾驶决策规划方法理论与实践. 北京:铁道出版社. 2021.09.
Bai Li, Yakun Ouyang, Li Li, and Youmin Zhang, “Autonomous driving on curvy roads without reliance on Frenet frame: A Cartesian-based trajectory planning method,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 15729–15741, 2022. (IF = 9.551) [Full text] [Code] [Video Link]
Bai Li, Yakun Ouyang, Xiaohui Li, Dongpu Cao, Tantan Zhang, and Yaonan Wang,“Mixed-integer and conditional trajectory planning for an autonomous mining truck in loading/dumping scenarios: A global optimization approach,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, accepted on Oct. 12, 2022. (IF = 5.009) [Full text] [Video Link]
Bai Li, Tankut Acarman, Youmin Zhang, et al., “Optimization-based trajectory planning for autonomous parking with irregularly placed obstacles: A lightweight iterative framework,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 11970–11981, 2022. (IF = 9.551) [Full text] [Code]
Bai Li, Kexin Wang, and Zhijiang Shao, “Time-optimal maneuver planning in automatic parallel parking using a simultaneous dynamic optimization approach,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 3263–3274, 2016. [Full text]
Bai Li, Zhuyan Yin, Yakun Ouyang, et al., “Online trajectory replanning for sudden environmental changes during automated parking: A parallel stitching method,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. XX–XX, 2022.(IF = 5.009) [Full text] [Code] [Video Link]
Bai Li, Tankut Acarman, Youmin Zhang, et al., “Tractor-trailer vehicle trajectory planning in narrow environments with a progressively constrained optimal control approach,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 5(3), 414-425, 2020. (IF = 5.009) [Full text] [Code]
Bai Li, Youmin Zhang, Yiheng Feng, et al., “Balancing computation speed and quality: A decentralized motion planning method for cooperative lane changes of connected and automated vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 3(3), 340–350, 2018. [Full text] [Code]
Bai Li, Li Li, Tankut Acarman, et al., “Optimization-based maneuver planning for a tractor-trailer vehicle in a curvy tunnel: A weak reliance on sampling and search,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), 706-713, 2022. (IF = 3.741) [Full text] [Video Link]
Bai Li, Yakun Ouyang, Youmin Zhang, et al., “Optimal cooperative maneuver planning for multiple nonholonomic robots in a tiny environment via adaptive-scaling constrained optimization,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1511–1518, 2021. (IF = 3.741) [Full text]
Bai Li, and Zhijiang Shao, “A unified motion planning method for parking an autonomous vehicle in the presence of irregularly placed obstacles,” Knowledge-Based Systems, 86, 11–20, 2015. (IF = 8.139) [Full text]
Bai Li, Youmin Zhang, and Zhijiang Shao, “Spatio-temporal decomposition: A knowledge-based initialization strategy for parallel parking motion optimization,” Knowledge-Based Systems, 107, 179–196, 2016. (IF = 8.139) [Full text] [Code]
Bai Li, Shaoshan Liu, Jie Tang, et al., “Autonomous last-mile delivery vehicles in complex traffic environments,” Computer, 53(11), 26-35, 2020. (IF = 4.419) [Full text]
Bai Li, and Zhijiang Shao, “Simultaneous dynamic optimization: A trajectory planning method for nonholonomic car-like robots”, Advances in Engineering Software, pp. 30–42, vol. 87, 2015. (IF = 4.141) [Full text]
Bai Li, Hong Liu, Duo Xiao, et al., “Centralized and optimal motion planning for large-scale AGV systems: A generic approach,” Advances in Engineering Software, 106, 33-46, 2017. (IF = 3.884) [Full text]
Bai Li, and Zhijiang Shao, “Precise trajectory optimization for articulated wheeled vehicles in cluttered environments,” Advances in Engineering Software, 92, 40-47, 2016. (IF = 3.884) [Full text]
Chaoyi Sun, Qing Li, Bai Li, and Li Li*, “A successive linearization in feasible set algorithm for vehicle motion planning in unstructured and low-speed scenarios,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 3724–3736, 2022. (IF = 9.551) [Full text]
Yuqing Guo, Danya Yao, Bai Li, Zimin He, Haichuan Gao, and Li Li*, “Trajectory planning for an autonomous vehicle in spatially constrained environments”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 18326–18336, 2022. (IF = 9.551) [Full text]
Yuqing Guo, Danya Yao, Bai Li, Haichuan Gao, and Li Li*, “Down-sized initialization for optimization-based unstructured trajectory planning by only optimizing critical variables”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, accepted on March. 25, 2022. (IF = 5.009) [Full text]
Yakun Ouyang, Bai Li*, Youmin Zhang, et al., “Fast and optimal trajectory planning for multiple vehicles in a nonconvex and cluttered environment: Benchmarks, methodology, and experiments,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.10746–10752, 2022. [Code] [Video Link] [Full text]
Bai Li, Youmin Zhang, Tankut Acarman, et al., “Lane-free autonomous intersection management: A batch-processing framework integrating the reservation-based and planning-based methods”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 7915-7921, 2021. [Full text] [Video Link]
Hangjie Cen, Bai Li, Tankut Acarman, et al., "Optimization-based maneuver planning for a tractor-trailer vehicle in complex environments with safe travel corridors", 2021 32nd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 974-979, 2021. [Full text]
Bai Li, Youmin Zhang, Tankut Acarman, et al., “Trajectory planning for a tractor with multiple trailers in extremely narrow environments: A unified approach”, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 8557–8562, 2019. [Full text] [Code]
Bai Li, Youmin Zhang, Yue Zhang, et al., “Near-optimal online motion planning of connected and automated vehicles at a signal-free and lane-free intersection,” 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1432-1437, 2018. [Full text]
Bai Li, Youmin Zhang, Yuming Ge, et al., “Optimal control-based online motion planning for cooperative lane changes of connected and automated vehicles,” 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 3689–3694, 2017. [Full text]
Bai Li, Kexin Wang, and Zhijiang Shao, “Time-optimal trajectory planning for tractor-trailer vehicles via simultaneous dynamic optimization,” 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 3844-3849, 2015. [Full text]
Bai Li, Ning Jia, Pu Li, et al., “Incrementally constrained dynamic optimization: A computational framework for lane change motion planning of connected and automated vehicles,” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(6), 557-568, 2019. (IF = 3.269) [Full text] [Code]
Bai Li, Youmin Zhang, Ning Jia, and Zhijiang Shao, “Simultaneous versus joint computing: A case study of multi-vehicle parking motion planning,” Journal of Computational Science, vol. 20, pp. 30–40, 2017. (IF = 2.644) [Full text]
Bai Li, and Youmin Zhang, “Fault-tolerant cooperative motion planning of connected and automated vehicles at a signal-free and lane-free intersection,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(24), 60-67, 2018. [Full text]
Bai Li, Ya Li, and Ligang Going, “Protein secondary structure optimization using an improved artificial bee colony algorithm based on AB off-lattice model,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 27, 70-79, 2014. (IF = 6.212) [Full text]
Bai Li, and Yuan Yao, “An edge-based optimization method for shape recognition using atomic potential function,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 35, 14-25, 2014. (IF = 6.212) [Full text]
Bai Li, “Research on WNN modeling for gold price forecasting based on improved artificial bee colony algorithm,” Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2014, 2. (IF = 2.284) [Full text]
Bai Li, Mu Lin, Qiao Liu, et al., “Protein folding optimization based on 3D off-lattice model via an improved artificial bee colony algorithm,” Journal of Molecular Modeling, 21(10), 261, 2015. (IF = 1.346) [Full text]
Bai Li, "An evolutionary approach for image retrieval based on lateral inhibition", Optik, vol. 127(13), 5430-5438, 2016. (IF = 2.443) [Full text]
Bai Li, Raymond Chiong, and Ligang Gong, “Search-evasion path planning for submarines using the artificial bee colony algorithm,” 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 528-535, 2014. [Full text]
Bai Li, Raymond Chiong, and Mu Lin, “A two-layer optimization framework for UAV path planning with interval uncertainties,” 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems (CIPLS), 120-127, 2014. [Full text]
Bai Li, Shiqi Tang, Youmin Zhang, and Xiang Zhong, "Occlusion-aware path planning to promote infrared positioning accuracy for autonomous driving in a warehouse," Electronics, 10(24), 3093, 2021. (IF = 2.379) [Full text] [Code]
Bai Li, Youmin Zhang, Yakun Ouyang, Yi Liu, Xiang Zhong, Hangjie Cen, and Qi Kong, "Fast trajectory planning for AGV in the presence of moving obstacles: A combination of 3-dim A* search and QCQP", 33rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), pp. 7549-7554, 2021. [Full text] [Code]
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (IF = 5.009), Associate Editor (2022 - ) [Link]
Electronics(IF = 2.690)Editorial Board Member (2021 - ) [Link] (SI CFP Link)
《控制与信息技术》编委会 青年委员(2022 - ) [Link]
湖南省交通工程学会 · 智能网联专业委员会 委员 (2020 - 2024)
IEEE ITSC (TPCAP) Committee Chair [Link]
Reviewer of the following journals and conferences:
IEEE T-RO、T-ITS、T-IE、T-VT、T-SMC、T-IV、T-CBB、T-EC、T-NSE、IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine、Transportation Research Part C、Transportation Research Part E、Robotics and Autonomous Systems、Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence、Knowledge-Based Systems、Applied Soft Computing、Applied Mathematics and Computation、Computers in Industry、Swarm and Evolutionary Computation、Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing、Reliability Engineering & System Safety、ICRA、CDC、IV、ITSC等国际期刊/会议审稿人,详情见本人publon主页 [Link]