
Released Time:2017-09-18 星期一 08:20:52 Hits:27693


联系方式:手机13974858552,邮箱:kpeng@hnu.edu.cn ,办公地点:材料学院502


Research Field

3.1 研究方向:

磁性材料及应用: 主要开展新型结构复合磁性材料的研究,开发具有高导、低损耗的磁性材料与器件,将磁性复合材料应用到电子、生物医学和环境领域。



3.2 近年来主持的主要科研项目:

  1. 离子轰击诱导非晶合金晶化机理及其高频软磁性能研究(国家自然科学基金),2016-201989.6万元

  2. 低损耗高性能软磁复合材料的原位反应制备及性能调控机理(湖南省自然科学基金)2019-2021

  3. 微波器件与装备工程技术研究(湖南省科技厅)2019-2021

  4. 高性能S-NdFeB磁体及生产新工艺(长沙市科技计划重大专项),2012-2016200万元

  5. 金刚石/铜复合材料界面设计及导热性能研究(地市级项目),2015-20163万元

  6. 太阳能光伏玻璃减反射膜关键技术研发(横向课题),2013-201525万元

  7. 201303005(国家军品配套项目),2012-201461.25万元

  8. 微纳结构材料的可控制备及其应用(教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目,2012-201450万元

  9. 201303004(航天企业横向课题),2013-201410万元

  10. 20120301(国家军品配套项目),2011-2013210万元


    1. 近三年的代表性论文

  1. Yiyi Li,Lei Zhang,Jiehai Peng,Wei Zhang, Kun Peng, Magnetic field enhancing electrocatalysis of Co3O4/NF for oxygen evolution reaction, Journal of Power Source, 433(2019), 226704

  2. Qian Zhang, Wei Zhang, Kun Peng, In-situ synthesis and magnetic properties of core-shell structured Fe/Fe3O4 composites, J.Magn.Magn.Mater., 460(2019), 297-301

  3. Lei Zhang, Yiyi Li, Jiehai Peng, Kun Peng, Bifunctional NiCo2O4 Porous Nanotubes Electrocatalyst for Overall Water-Splitting, Electrochimica Acta, 318(2019), 762-769

  4. Xinzhi Wu, Liyang Li, Wei Zhang, Manxin Song, Kun Peng, Effect of surface roughening on the interfacial thermal conductance of diamond/copper composites, Diamond and related Materials, 98(2019), 107467

  5. Dongqin Wan,  Xinzhi Wu,  Wei Zhang,  Kun PengThermal conductivity and thermal expansion of few-layer h-BN/Cu composites, Materials Research Bulletin,  (2019),  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2019.110606

  6. Xin Zhang, Dongqin Wan, Kun Peng, Wei Zhang, Enhancement of thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of Cu/reduced graphene oxide composites by interface modification, J MATER ENG PERFORM28(2019),No8,5165-5171

  7. Yiyi Li, Lei Zhang, Kun Peng, Synthesis of urchin-like Co3O4 spheres for application in oxygen evolution reaction, Nanotechnology, 29(2018),485403

  8. Kun Peng, Ling Tang, Yingwei Wu, Evolution of microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe73.5Si13.5B9Nb3Cu1 amorphous alloy during ion bombardment process, J.Magn.Magn.Mater., 460(2018), 297-301

  9. Xin Peng, Kun Peng, Wei Zhang, synthesis of low core loss Finemet/Ni-Zn ferrite composites by co-precipitation method, Mater.Res.Bull., 100(2018)138-144

  10. Yingwei Wu, Kun Peng, Impact of ion-bombardment on structure and magnetic property of Fe78Si13B9 amorphous alloy, JOM, 70(6),(2018), 861-865

  11. Liyang Li, Xi Chen, Wei Zhang, Kun Peng, Characterization and formation mechanism of pits on diamond {100} face etched by molten potassium nitrite, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 71 (2018)129-134

  12. Xin Peng, Kun Peng, Jianping HuangSynthesis and magnetic properties of core-shell structured Finemet/Ni-Zn ferrite soft nanocomposites by co-precipitation, J.Alloys. Compd., (2017), 165-170

  13. Yingwei WuKun Peng Ling TangWei Zhang, Crystallization mechanism of Fe78Si13B9 amorphous alloy induced by ion bombardment, Intermetallics, 91(2017), 65–69

  14. Ling Tang, Kun Peng, Yingwei Wu, Wei ZhangEffect of ion bombardment on the crystallization kinetics of FeSiNbBCu amorphous alloysJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 695 (2017) 2136-2141

  15. 王海鹏,彭坤基体中Ti元素含量对金刚石/Cu-Ti复合材料热导率的影响复合材料学报, 2018, 35(4):910-919

Prizes & Awards

  1. 湖南省国防科技进步一等奖,2011

  2. 湖南省科技进步三等奖,2006