Released Time:2018-03-23 星期五 17:39:33 Hits:30294
College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering Hunan University, Changsha City 410082, Hunan Province
2005.10 – present: Assistant Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical & Vehicle Engineering
2000.06 – 2003.04: Assistant Economist, Guilin Institute of Electrical Appliance Science, Science and Technology Department
2018: PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University
2005: MA.Eng, Management Science and Engineering, Hunan University
2000: B.S., Technical Economics, Hunan University
Green Manufacturing and Sustainable Development
Energy Efficiency of Additive-subtractive Hybrid Laser Manufacturing
Industrial Engineering
2018 2017 Teaching Excellence Award of Hunan University
2017 International S&T Cooperation Grant #2016YFE0128800: “Research on key technology of laser welding TRB using adaptive method” (¥1750,000)
2017 National Natural Science Foundation of China #51605156: “Energy consumption model and synergy mechanism of process performance for additive-subtractive hybrid laser manufacturing” (¥20,0000)
2016 National Natural Science Foundation of China #51575175: “Study on adaptive monitoring mechanism of laser welding in tailor rolled material with powder feeding” (¥640,000)
“Energy efficiency evaluation of metal laser direct deposition based on process characteristics and empirical modeling”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, (1): 1-13
“Effect of beam profile on heat and mass transfer in filler powder laser welding”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 258: 47-57
“The interface control of butt joints in laser braze welding of aluminum-steel with coaxial powder feeding”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 246: 313-320.
“Deformation control during the laser welding of a Ti6Al4V thin plate using a synchronous gas cooling method”, Materials and Design, 2016, 90: 931-941.
“Numerical analysis of the morphological characteristics of the powder stream in laser welding with coaxial filler powder”, Lasers in Engineering, 2017, 38.
“Effects of different powders on the micro-gap laser welding-brazing of an aluminum-steel butt joint using a coaxial feeding method”, Materials and Design 2016, 109: 10-18.
“Energy efficiency evaluation of hot-wire laser welding based on process characteristic and power consumption”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 87: 255-262.