
Released Time:2018-03-22 星期四 00:08:40 Hits:51886

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College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Hunan University
Lushan South Rd. 2
Changsha Hunan, 410082


Jan., 2008- Present Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
July, 2001- Dec, 2007 Associate Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
June, 1991- June, 2001 Assistant Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
Feb., 2018- Mar., 2018 Senior Research Fellow, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, USA
Oct., 2016- Jan., 2017 Senior Research Fellow, University of Waterloo, Canada
Sep., 2014- Oct., 2014 Senior Research Fellow, University of Michigan-Dearborn
May, 2007- May, 2008 Visiting Scholar ,University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA


Faculty (Professor), College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, PRC


PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University, 2007
ME, Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, 1991
BE, Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, 1988

Research Areas

Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Vehicle Dynamics Control
Diver Modeling
Human Factors related to the driving safety.


2017 Changfeng Excellence Teacher Award, Hunan University
2014 Changfeng Excellence Teacher Award, Hunan University
2009 Changfeng Excellence Teacher Award, Hunan University
2006 Changfeng Excellence Teacher Award, Hunan University
2001 Excellence in Teaching Quality Award, Hunan University
1999 Excellence in Teaching Quality Award, Hunan University
1999 Excellence in Teaching Award, Hunan University
1998 Excellence in Teaching Award, Hunan University
2018 Ministry of Education - China Mobile Joint Laboratory on Connected Vehicles (Tsinghua University), Research on Non-cooperative Game Cooperative Control Rights Allocation Based on the Driving Risk Field
2018 Changsha Intelligent Driving Institute (CIDI), Real-time Tractor-semi-trailer Dynamics Model and Path Following Control Strategy Development
2017 Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation, multi-dimensional assessment and modeling of driver attention based on deep learning
2016 National Natural Science Foundation of China: Researches on Imitation of the Driver Situation Awareness Model and Human-Machine Cooperative Driving Strategy
2015 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center on Intelligent New Energy Vehicles, (Hunan University), Platform Development Researches of Intelligent Electric Vehicle Technologies
2013 Hunan Science and Technology Agency Project, A Study on Lane Departure Warning System
2013 Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China Oversea-researches Returning Fund ,Research on Vehicle Path Planning of Active Avoidance Based on Intelligent Water Drop Algorithm
2012 National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on Local Path Planning of Vehicle Active Obstacle Avoidance Based on Intelligent Road Infrastructures
2012 National Natural Science Foundation of China, Unsteady Model of Puncturing Tires Based on the Relationship between the Tire Pressure and the Tire Elasticity
,2012 Hunan Science and Technology Agency Project, Tire Pressure Monitoring and Puncture Control System Development
2011 China Postdoctoral Management Committee, Research on Vehicle Active Obstacle Avoidance Partial Path Planning Based on Potential Field Theory.
2011 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing of Automobile Body, Active and Passive Integrated Automotive Safety Technology Development
2011 Hunan Shenzhou Photoelectric Energy Co., Ltd., Research and Development of Solar Emergency Power Generation Vehicles
2010 Hunan University 985-Project, Phase III Driverless, Intelligent Vehicle Key Technology Innovation Platform
2010 National Oversee-Returning Fund, Automotive Safety Warning System Research,
2010 Hunan Science and Technology Agency Project, R&D of Automotive Electric Power Steering System,
2010 Guangxi Liuzhou Science and Technology Plan Project, NVH Forward Design of Automotive Engine Mounting and Exhaust System
2009 State Key Laboratory of Automobile Body Design and Manufacturing, Research on Vehicle Active Avoidance Technology Based on Potential Field and Elastic-band Theory
2009 Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile Co., Ltd., Research on Acceleration Noise Reduction of the Vehicle Exterior
2008 National Major Support Project (China Automobile Industrial Committee Plan), Forward Design and Software Development of Automotive Suspension Systems
2007 China Academy of Engineering, Reports on China's Foresight Technology of Automotive Design and Manufacturing and Strategy Development Consulting, Subtopic - " Foresight Technology and Strategy Development on Vehicle Chassis Design and Manufacturing  "
2006 Hunan Natural Science Foundation, Research on Methods of the Pedestrian Collision Active Passive Safety Integration Technology
2006 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing of Automobile Body, Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Study of Vehicle Stability Control
2006 Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile Co., Ltd., Dynamic Electric Test Analysis of 6×4 Heavy Dump Truck
2004 Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile Co., Ltd., Software Development on the Automobile Design and Performance Prediction


[1]Mingjun Li, Xiaolin Song*, Haotian Cao Shared control with a novel dynamic authority allocation strategy based on game theory and driving safety field, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 124 (2019): 199–216.
[2]Chuan Hu , Yechen Qin, Haotian Cao , Xiaolin Song et al., Lane keeping of autonomous vehicles based on differential steering with adaptive multivariable super-twisting control, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 125 (2019) :330–346.
[3]Li Mingjun, Cao Haotian, Song Xiaolin*., Huang, Y., Wang, J. and Huang, Z. "Shared Control Driver Assistance System Based on Driving Intention and Situation Assessment, IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., 2018,14(11):4982-4994.
[4]Haotian Cao, Song Zhao, Xiaolin Song*, Shan Bao, Mingjun Li, Zhi Huang and Chuan Hu. An optimal hierarchical framework of the trajectory following by convex optimisation for highly automated driving vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics.2018.
[5]Mingjun Li, Xiaolin Song*, Haotian Cao and Zhi Huang. Shared steering control combined with driving intention for vehicle obstacle avoidance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of automobile engineering, 2018, 14(11):4982-4994.
[6]Xiaolin Song*, Yifei Ling, Haotian Ca.o, Zhi Huang. A Cooperative Vehicle Localization Method Based on the Fusion of GPS, Inter-vehicle Distance and Bearing Angle Measurements. IET Intelligent Transport Systems.2018.
[7]Zhi Huang,Ying He,Yi Wen, Xiaolin Song, Injured probability assessment in frontal pedestrian-vehicle collision counting uncertainties in pedestrian movement. Safety Science, 2018, 106:162-169.
[8]Zhi Huang, Wentao Nie, Shengwei Kou, Xiaolin Song, Rollover detection and control on the non-driven axles of trucks based on pulsed braking excitation. Vehicle System Dynamics.2018, 56: 1864-1882
[9]Huang Zhi, He Ying, Liu Xiangyi, Song Xiaolin, Assessment of Pedestrian Injuries in Vehicle-pedestrian Collision with Consideration of Pedestrian Movement Uncertainty in Road Crossing. Automotive Engineering, 2018, 40(1):28-33.
[10]Haotian, Xiaolin Song*, Song Zhao, Shan Bao, and Zhi Huang. An optimal model-based trajectory following architecture synthesising the lateral adaptive preview strategy and longitudinal velocity planning for highly automated vehicle. Vehicle System Dynamics 2017, 55(8): 1143-1188.
[11]Cao, Haotian, Xiaolin Song*, and Zhi Huang. A Switched MPC Lateral Steering Controller Which Considered Tracking Quality and Handling Quality for Autonomous Vehicle. SAE World Congress 2017, 2017-01-1591.
[12]Zhi Huang, Xiangwei Liu, Xiaolin Song et.al, Probabilistic risk assessment for pedestrian vehicle collision considering uncertainties of pedestrian mobility. TRAFFIC INJ PREV, 2017-01-23.
[13]Xiaolin Song*, Nan Zhou, Zhengyu Huang, Haotian Cao. An Improved RRT Algorithm of Local Path Planning for Vehicle Collision Avoidance. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 2017, 44(4), 30-37.
[14]Cao Haotian, Song Xiaolin*, Huang Zhengyu and Pan Lubin, Simulation research on emergency path planning of an active collision avoidance system combined with longitudinal control for an autonomous vehicle. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of automobile engineering, 2016, 230(12):1624-1653.
[15]Xiaolin Song*, Lubin Pan, Haotian Cao, Local Path Planning for Vehicle Obstacle Avoidance Based on Improved Intelligent Water Drops Algorithm, Automotive Engineering 2016, 38 (2): 185-191,228
[16]Xiaolin Song*, Qiwei Xiong, Haotian Cao, Research and Simulation on Cooperative Collision Warning Based on Trajectory Prediction, Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences),2016, 43(10): 1-7.
[17]Xiaolin Song*, Yaqi Zhen, Haotian Cao, Research on driver's lane change intention recognition based on HMM and SVM, Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation.2016, 30 (1): 58-65.
[18]GUO Kong-hui, LI Hong, SONG Xiaolin, HUANG Jiang, Study on Path Tracking Control Strategy of Automatic Parking System, China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2015,28(9):106-114.
[19]Song Xiaolin*, Zhang Sanlin, Zhang Weiwei, Lane detection method of constant false alarm rate by using matched filter,Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation,2015,29(3):328-336.
[20]CAO Xiaojuan, WANG Wentao, SONG Xiaolin*, ZHANG Weiwei, Vehicle shadow detection and vehicle tracking algorithm based on multiple information fusion, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 2015(11):4049-4055.
[21]Li Hong, Guo Konghui, Song Xiaolin, Huang Jiang, Non-time Reference Point Tracking Control for Car-like Mobile Robots, China Mechanical Engineering, 2015,26(13):1705-1711.
[22]Zhang Weiwei, Song Xiaolin*, Zhang Sanlin, Wu Xuncheng, Real-time Lane Recognition Method Based on Hardware-software Co-design,China Mechanical Engineering,2015(10):1337-1344.
[23]Song Xiaolin*, Wu Ziyang, Zhang Weiwei, Dynamic vehicle detection based on shadow and Haar-like feature,Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, 2015, 29(9):1340-1347.
[24]Haotian Cao, Xiaolin Song*, Jiang Huang, Path planning of autonomous vehicle for collision avoidance based on elastic band theory, Automotive Engineering 2014, 36(10):1230-1236.
[25]Weiwei Zhang, Xiaolin Song* et.al, Multi-scale Matched Filter-Based Lane Detection Scheme of Constant False Alarm Rate for Driver Assistance, Proc. IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2015, 229(6): 770-781.
[26]Weiwei Zhang, Xiaolin Song* et.al, A Real-time Lane Departure Warning System Based on Principal Component Analysis of Grayscale Distribution and Risk Evaluation Model, Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21(4): 1633-1642.
[27]Song Xiaolin*, Cao Haotian, Huang Jiang. Vehicle path planning in various driving situations based on the elastic band theory for highway collision avoidance, Proc. IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering.2013, 27(12):1706–1722.
[28]SONG Xiaolin*, WANG Wentao, ZHANG Weiwei. Vehicle Detection and Tracking Based on the Local Binary Pattern Texture and Improved Camshift Operator. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences). 2013, 40(8): 52-57.
[29]LI Hong, GUO Konghui, SONG Xiaolin, LI Feilong, Trajectory planning of automatic parallel parking with multi-constraints based on Matlab, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology),2013,44(1):101-107.
[30]Song Xiaolin*, Cao Haotian, Huang Jiang, Influencing Factors Research on Vehicle Path Planning Based on Elastic Bands for Collision Avoidance, SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Electron. Electr. Syst. 2012, 5(2): 625-637.
[31]Song Xiaolin*, Li Shifu, Feng Guanggang. Design of Active and Passive Safety Integrated Control Scheme, Automotive Engineering, 2009, 33(7):53-658.
[32]HGuang Jiang, Guo Konghui, Song Xiaolin, Liu Wei, Vehicle Stability Control Method after Tire Blow-out. China Mechanical Engineering, 2009(16):2006-2010.
[33]Song Xiaolin*, Feng Guanggang, Yang Jikuang. The Current State and Trends of Automotive Active Collision-avoidance System. Automotive Engineering, 2008, 29(12):285-290.
[34]Huang Jiang, Guo Konghui, Song Xiaolin. Analysis and Control after Tire Blow-out.Automotive Engineering, 2007, 29(12):1041-1045, 1109.


Professional Activities
Serves as committee expert of i-VSTA (Intelligent Vehicle System Test Area) in Chongqing, China.
Serves as review expert for projects of the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
Serve as review expert of the Ministry of Science and Technology
Serve as review expert for multiple scientific journals at home and aboard, including IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IMechE Part D, Journal of automobile engineering, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Journal of Mechanical Engineering,Automotive Engineering, China Journal of Highway and Transport, etc.