Released Time:2018-03-22 星期四 11:22:37 Hits:33662
Department of Vehicle Engineering
Hunan University
Lushan South Road No.2
Changsha, 410082
Hunan Province, China
2001 – present: Professor, Hunan University, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
1989– 2001:Engineer, Institute of Dongfeng Motor Company, Hubei Province, China
2002: PhD. Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University
1998: M.D. Vehicle Engineering, Tsinghua University
1989: B.D.Vehicle Engineering, Tsinghua University
Vehicle crash safety, including design theory and methods, computer simulation and experiment.
2017 1st Award of Hunan Province Science and Technology Progress
2013 Robust optimization of passenger injury in vehicle crash by using global sensitivity analysis and metamodel , Project of NSFC
2004 2nd Award of National Sicence and Technolgy Progress
“Three dimensional carbon-bubble foams with hierarchical pores for ultra-long cycling life supercapacitors”(with Bowen Wang). Nanotechnology, 2018
“Crushing analysis of thin-walled beams with various section geometries under lateral impact”(with Tao Tang). Thin-Walled Structures, 2016
“Optimization Design Method of Non-linear Complex System Based on Global Sensitivity Analysis and Dynamic Metamodel ”(with Yang Zhang), Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015
“Optimization Design Method of Non-linear Complex System Based on Global Sensitivity Analysis and Dynamic Metamodel”(with Tao Ma), Journal of Mechanical Engineering(English Version), 2015
“Crashworthiness Optimization of Thin-walled Beam by using a new kind of beam element model”. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014
“Multi-objective topology optimization for electric car body based on SIMP theory”(with Lunjie Xie), Vehicle Engineering, 2013
“Crashworthiness optimization of straight thin-walled beam in concept design phase”(with Weibo Chang), Vehicle Engineering, 2013